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Australia & New Zealand Homebrewing Forum

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  1. HoppingMad

    Bulk Starsan

    :icon_offtopic: Oh dear. We're back to the bad old days again. I would suggest just pointing someone the right way with your link would have been enough. When I started on AHB many moons back, every second cheeky bugger used to post 'DFSFFS'. But that was when every second question used to...
  2. HoppingMad

    Too Many Hops, Anybody Wanna Swap?

    Have heard this about recent Hallertau crop. That they're all earthy and muddy in flavour of late. Wonder if it was all that crazy northern hemisphere weather they got a year ago? Have heard of some vic craft breweries steering clear of hallertau or subbing in due to disappointing flavours. That...
  3. HoppingMad

    Worlds Hoppiest Beer

    Damn I was trying to win the prize for 'World's Hoppiest beer'. :angry: Is the 'World's Grainiest Beer' still available? :lol: Hopper.
  4. HoppingMad

    Prickly Moses New Beer Releases

    Yep tried the raconteur at Beer Deluxe and it is a yummy one. Big thumbs up. If you like a big US flavour this is a goodie. Tried the Wild Hop Organic Ale at Taphouse and not as blown away - too much on the light side for me/thin - but was a great concept for a beer. Nice to see some folks...
  5. HoppingMad

    Hawthorn Brewing Company

    Yeah you have a point Ferg. I read some of my stuff - and went - sheesh did I really say that? (slaps hand to forehead) Realised I made a boo-boo, stating that Jamiesons contract brew for Rusty Nail. That was horsecrap - they do/did contract for Temple Brewing (who I think have their own...
  6. HoppingMad

    [vic] Grain Bulk Buy

    Yup. Could use some Trad Ale or Marris Otter myself - if a new bulk buy pops up I'm leaping on it like a rodeo cowboy. :D Hopper.
  7. HoppingMad

    Hawthorn Brewing Company

    Wow. Funny when people dig up old threads like these. Necro? Classic! :lol: Thanks for the trip down memory lane fellas! :icon_cheers: Hopper.
  8. HoppingMad

    Harsh Bitterness - Why?

    A few possibles going on: - Water additions bumping up the hop character of an already hoppy beer with a few potential hops already clashing. - The SNPA finished higher on gravity - so it is sweeter, whereas the LCPA is drier. The sweetness on SNPA may be working better to balance the beer...
  9. HoppingMad

    Brewtus 10 Plans

    Brutus 10 Plans: Brutus 10 Plans - Part A & B
  10. HoppingMad

    Mythos Greek Lager @ Aldi

    Tried Mythos a while back and was underwhelmed. Agree that some of the German beers at Aldi are worth a stop in. My advice? Walk straight past the Mythos and grab one of these - 1 litre cans. The Germans know how to knock out a beer. Even a cheap aldi one. And the dark lager is the pick of...
  11. HoppingMad

    Buying A New Bigger Always Better?

    Bigger is definately the way to go if you can scrape up the cash to make the leap. Agree with the comments about evaporation (had to tweak my recipes a tad) but having the flexibility to do double batches with headroom is fantastic. Also having headspace for vigorous boils without the boil...
  12. HoppingMad


    Champagne yeasts can come up quite dry as mentioned. Also consider giving these a whirl on a future batch: Wyeast Liquid Mead Yeasts Hopper.
  13. HoppingMad

    How Can We Make Belgian Candy

    Belgian Candi imparts some nice flavours - particularly the dark stuff. It can add some caramel flavour and some say raisins. If you do a bit of digging you'll find that breweries like Moortgat no longer actually use Candi - they actually use dextrose instead. At that brewery it was phased out...
  14. HoppingMad

    Home Brand Lager

    A few things to point out to Zipster here, he appears to be fairly new to the zoo that is AHB. - Bribie knows his stuff and has been posting here for ages. Everyone has different ways to brew but his advice is sound. Your response didn't appear to be trying to cause offence anyhow, but thought...
  15. HoppingMad

    Brewing Licence

    Maybe you heard wrong (about homebrewers selling beer). There are a few startups popping up around the traps selling beer in very small batches in melbourne. Cavalier Brewery (Ascot Vale) and Moondog (Abbotsford) spring to mind. These guys are making what you would term large homebrew size...
  16. HoppingMad

    Questions About Australia

    Think you're right Ducati, I know people in the US who get it too (it's made by Kraft afterall - a US company). It's actually been removed from sale in Denmark, along with Marmite and Ovaltine apparently. That country has strict conditions on goods with vitamins added to them. Vegemite Banned...
  17. HoppingMad

    Hops From The Us

    Pellets and Isohop in checked luggage (not carry on). No problemo. Flowers in any luggage without an export permit to do so. Epic fail. That's the drill at the airport. No idea on mail, but I would say you need an export permit and they cost $$$. Know people who work at Home Brew Stores who...
  18. HoppingMad

    Hops From The Us

    Yep. Just declare them and you will sail through customs no worries. I brought a kilo of Kiwi hops in my suitcase 3 weeks ago returning from a trip to Auckland. The bag still smells fruity :icon_drool2: . Filled out the form, got asked one question (which was 'Hop Flowers or Pellets?') on...
  19. HoppingMad

    Questions About Australia

    Nope, you pay for some things or a subsidised amount but you can see a doctor here for free. They need to have a sign on the door that says 'Bulk Billing' though. If the sign isn't out - you pay through the nose! Depends but if you earn a lot, you get taxed a lot. It's a scaled system, but one...
  20. HoppingMad

    Apartment Brewing

    BYO Magazine Article (USA) on Small Space Brewing: Overcome your closet anxieties in small space brewing Quite a long read but you might pick up a few pointers specific to your situation. Some pointers on keeping sweet with neighbours etc. Many small spacers I know use Stovetop brewing as a...