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Australia & New Zealand Homebrewing Forum

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  1. wessmith

    Base malt: Pale Ale malt v Ale malt (2row)

    Exactly, BD. My concern was the term was being used loosely here in Aus. Barretts do not have a "pale ale malt" as such, just a "pale malt" or an "ale malt" QED Wes
  2. wessmith

    Base malt: Pale Ale malt v Ale malt (2row)

    Do you go for floor malted or pnuematic malted verysupple? Wes
  3. wessmith

    Base malt: Pale Ale malt v Ale malt (2row)

    Have a look here BD: Wes
  4. wessmith

    Base malt: Pale Ale malt v Ale malt (2row)

    Have a look on the Cryer Malt website. There is no "pale ale malt" only "Ale Malt" - I think maybe people are getting themselves confused with various terms used in the US and UK malt market. Wes
  5. wessmith

    4th attempt at extract brew ... All failed ...

    Me thinks a bit of the blarney stone here - Go figure Wes
  6. wessmith

    Nice new Simpsons packaging

    OK, time to fess up - I had some serious training in bag opening way back in 2003. The warehouse we were using in Western Sydney had an outbreak of weevil from some imported pasta product. We had to remove our malt to an isolated storage location (one of the old ammunition bunkers at Penrith)...
  7. wessmith

    Nice new Simpsons packaging

    Jeez guys, its pretty bloody simple. The odds are 50/50 you get it right first time. Second try will ALWAYS be successful. And tie off the bag with a cable tie.... Wes
  8. wessmith

    Hi Everyone

    I travel up and down to Canberra every few weeks so get some from Colin at Kambah but specialties mostly from mail order. Running a 20L Braumeister these days and would be happy to do a brew with you at some time. Wes
  9. wessmith

    Hi Everyone

    How far south down the coast jamp2511? I am in the real "far south coast" ie Narooma and happy to help you with your transition. Wes
  10. wessmith

    NPT vs BSP thread type in a new set-up

    We use both companies and have bought a lot of stuff from T&S Stainless. Good prices and quality. Wes
  11. wessmith

    NPT vs BSP thread type in a new set-up

    Couple of suggestions for you all. SS fittings: They are based in Ingleburn south of Sydney. For HHS taps and stuff try: Melbourne based. Wes
  12. wessmith

    Pilsner and acid adjustment

    Thankyou Martin. Wes
  13. wessmith

    Would this work as a PID for brewing

    Youre right agillies, RTD and PT100 are one and the same. Wes
  14. wessmith

    What are you using to cut holes in your vessels?

    Those punches (we used to call them chassis punches back in my radio building days) are great but wont tackle 1.6mm s/s. You also need to keep the thread well lubed. A better bet are these style of rotary cutters...
  15. wessmith

    "Is it Crystal or Caramel Malt" article

    So I'm back to square one trying to identify what is (predominantly) caramelised & what has Maillard reacted components! Simple answer for you - all malts have some degree of Maillard components, even high roasted malts. Have a look at the attached article which will help explain. If you want...
  16. wessmith

    "Is it Crystal or Caramel Malt" article

    I would put the above linked article in the same marketing basket that Weyermann created with a similar article some years back - ie, trying to establish that the respective maltster did not utilise kilning to produce their particular caramel/crystal malt and that their crystal/cara is therefore...
  17. wessmith

    Best Pilsner Malt - Do I need a protein rest?

    HBHB, the different barley variety is a correct statement, but your conclusion that they are not as well modified is totally incorrect. Go have a look at the C of A or even the specifications. Both Best Malz and Weyermann have that data on their websites if you dont have an applicable C of A...
  18. wessmith

    Pickled Onions

    Big thumbs up for the cider vinegar but another tip - bring your vinegar and spice mixture to just under a boil and then let it cool. This drives off the volatile components of the vinegar. Also try some honey in a batch. Wes
  19. wessmith

    my typical brew day

    My apologies mb-squared, I read your sg into the FV as 1046, not 1053. For the record that makes your overall brewhouse eficiency 92% on my calcs from a malt with 78% yield and based on a brew length of 52L. Very good figures. Again for the record, it really makes no difference which brewing...
  20. wessmith

    my typical brew day

    Dont quite know how you calculated your efficiency mb-squared, but down my way 10kg of malt yielding 52L into the fermenter at 1046 is smack on 80% brewhouse efficiency which is still pretty good. Part of your efficiency is coming from the slow sparge - 60 mins would be the minimum we run with...