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Australia & New Zealand Homebrewing Forum

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  1. wessmith

    Far South Coast (nsw) Brewers

    Will be doing the BIG sea change in a month or three to Narooma. Are there any brewers in that area on AHB?? Wes
  2. wessmith

    Best Kolsch Malt

    If you look at the malt brochure on the Best Malz website, you will see that both the "Best Pils" and the "Best Pale" malts are recommended for Koelsch style beers. Dont know where the idea that Koelsch uses a "bland" malt comes from - subtle malt tones is what the style presents. Wes
  3. wessmith

    South Aussie Breweries

    And dont forget Woolshed Brewery in Renmark - Wes
  4. wessmith

    Starch Test - Iodine

    Ask your chemist for "tincture of iodine" it is much cheaper than Betadine and should come in a bottle with a dropper. Dilute 1:1 with distilled water (reduces the colour intensity so that you can see the colour test change easier). Always include some grist in your test sample - not just clear...
  5. wessmith

    European Faucets

    pp = "pack and post" in UK/Euro Wes
  6. wessmith

    Voltage Control For Element

    Maheel, the answer is simply, keep it simple. Simmerstats are not rubbish, but hey if you want to go off on a hi-tech route, that's OK with me. We actually use PID controllers where we really need to control the temp. Regulating a boil is not one of those situations. Turning the power "on and...
  7. wessmith

    Voltage Control For Element

    Try and see if you can get a good "old fashioned" simmerstat like tha ones found on urns. Try some electrical wholesalers - they may have a 15 or 20 amp version. You dont need temperature control, in fact it will not work correctly for you. Water boils at 100c (at sea level) and will still be at...
  8. wessmith

    Dms. What To Do?

    We do a range of microbrewery systems sized from 500l and 1000l with electric kettles through to 5000l steam heated multi-vessel brewhouses. We also do fermenters and bright beer tanks that comply to AS1210 - the Australian pressure vessel standard. Pretty broad range of kit. You will find our...
  9. wessmith

    Dms. What To Do?

    Hi TB, I said a "jumping boil" for the first 20 mins or so - not 60 mins. All the craft and regional sized breweries I have seen in action in Germany have always had a jumping boil and all for the same reason - drive off those "malt volatiles" before letting the kettle settle down for a more...
  10. wessmith

    Dms. What To Do?

    I forgot to comment on the malt type - Weyermann Pils certainly does not have a record of throwing off DMS, Bo-Pils I have not used so cant comment. But many of the malts available now and intended for mega lagers or Asian lagers certainly do throw some DMS. Have a look at this page from...
  11. wessmith

    Dms. What To Do?

    I have pitched the yeast which already has a krausen after 12 hours and if a vigorous fermentation doesn't do the trick I am going to try bubbling CO2 through the beer to scrub out the DMS as suggested in Duke of Paddy's post. Thanks for all the info. I'll follow up when I am done. Starkesbier...
  12. wessmith

    Dms. What To Do?

    What would help here would be some info on the type/make of malt that was actually used. There are types of pale/lager malt that have been malted to deliberately include the precursors to DMS - think about who or what the malt was originally produced for. It would also be interesting to be a fly...
  13. wessmith


    Hoepfner and Bestmalz are one and the same - simply marketed under a different name from that of the Hoepfner Brewery in Karlsruhe. Wes
  14. wessmith

    Schwartz Brewing- Alleged Syd Craft Beer Week Lunch.

    Oh ****! My desk calendar is manual and he forgot to move the pointer.... Will speak to him in the morning. Hiding head and looking for my Coopers SA... Cheers and thanks, Wes
  15. wessmith

    Schwartz Brewing- Alleged Syd Craft Beer Week Lunch.

    I didn't think the offer was until tomorrow 26/10? Cheers, Wes
  16. wessmith

    Different Fermentation Rates.

    A "very fast fermentation" needs to be defined. Often a seemingly fast ferment will stall around 1020 and then v-e-r-y slowly creep down. Same problem - yeast health. As a guidline, a good ferment with an ale yeast like 1056 or US05 should ferment out in 3 to 4 days @ 18C. Lager yeasts are a...
  17. wessmith

    Different Fermentation Rates.

    Hi Matt, You have a classic yeast health issue - not uncommon in general HB brewing. The extra trub would have provided the smaller batch with some extra yeast food. I would suggest you start using a yeast nutrient additive - have a look at the retail sponsors above for some options...
  18. wessmith

    Rice Hulls In The Mash

    I think you will find that the so called food grade version has been dropped. They used to be steam treated but they found the treatment did not do a totally thorough job, so that product was removed from sale. A good rinse, say 15 mins in a 1% cold peracetic acid solution should suffice if you...
  19. wessmith

    Don't You Just Hate It When........

    That should be OK for a month or two but if you want to store longer or just to be sure to be sure, then put the whole lot inside a plastic bag and cable tie the top, then put in the metal garbage can - keeps the little furry ones away (assuming you have them up in north!) Dont rely on the...
  20. wessmith

    Don't You Just Hate It When........

    Actually heat is not such a major problem - humidity is the killer. I have seen micros in the UK holding half a tonne or more of pre-crushed grain in paper multiwall bags for 6 to 12 months and still get good results. I dont think you could describe the UK climate as a "dry climate" either. UK...