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Australia & New Zealand Homebrewing Forum

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  1. M

    Mash Too Long

    oops how do i delete this thread , i doubled up somehow, my appologies, please see previous thread.
  2. M

    Does Anyone Else Throw Hops Into Fermenter When French Pressing?

    been thinkin of doing this myself, how long are you conditioning for in the keg?
  3. M

    Fermentation Chamber

    try fermenting in food grade plastic jerry cans, i can fit 6 in my fridge 3 on top shelf and 3 on bottom shelf :icon_drool2: . easy to clean, just soak in homebrand unscented nappy san o/nite. with a cabinet you would have to insulate the crap out of it or the compressor would run...
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    Farmhouse Brewing

    he just lost my business, have ordered today from chi, they advised a back order on 1 product but gave eta of 2 days, very impressive and promt service. they are upront with realistic postage at checkout too.
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    Farmhouse Brewing

    thanks wolfy, this mob look the goods, if i don't hear by tomorrow i'll give these guys a go :icon_cheers:
  6. M

    Farmhouse Brewing

    is anyone else having problems ordering from these guys? i finally got an email telling me to save my order and they would send me a paypal request, i have resent it a few times but no correspondence to date. maybe it's holiday season or something?
  7. M

    A Few Fresh Concentrates For Sale Cheap

    hi all, i have switched to all grain so i have the following kits for sale: mangrove jacks blonde x 1 cascade pale ale x 1 coopers draught x 1 and i'll even throw in a steeping kit. all fresh stock bought a couple of months ago. asking $20 for the lot. will not seperate. pick up...
  8. M

    My First Ag Pale Ale

    same here, now i gotta try and sell my leftover kits and bits. congratulations gav. it's a proud moment when you pour and taste that first one
  9. M

    Did My First All Grain Yesterday!

    call it what it porn!!!! gotta love it...
  10. M

    Farmhouse Brewing - Thank You.

    just tried to order 2 taps, handles and shanks. $128 delivery fee :blink:
  11. M

    Best Stock Pot For Biab

    i've got a 19ltr pot used twice for sale for 10 bucks or a six pack of swill (used twice) :) pick up only
  12. M

    Beer Not Fermenting All The Way - Final Gravity 1025 - 1030?

    i suffered the same problem after upgrading my burner, i measured my temp and got 69 as strike temp for a 66 mash temp. and have now fertilized the garden with sweet beer. check your strike temp and then check it again. the heat in the keg lip was taking it's time transfering into the brew (the...
  13. M

    Bribie G 10,000 Posts

    hey give the guy a break , he's given me some great advice along the way. :lol: i take my hat off to people that go out of their way to help out the less experienced on this forum. i now make beer that tastes like beer (works for me)and couldn't have done it without the coaching of same people...
  14. M

    Which Bittering Hop

    just trying to settle on a few base hops (bulk) for my brews, am i right in assuming a fairly neutral bittering hop would be magnum. high aa so using less qty to bitter would give less flavour where as if i bitter with say amarillo with low aa i need twice as much but this imparts more flavour...
  15. M

    Costly Lesson Learnt....

    69 was desired strike temp, biab so mash temp was to be 65-66. 64-65 would be mash temp?
  16. M

    Costly Lesson Learnt....

    while heating my keggle for the mash today i decided to let the it sit without flame for a minute or two, as i suspected the temp kept rising. i turned the heat off at 69 degrees after a quick stir and checked it again after a couple of minutes....73deg . damm it . decided to keg the stalled...
  17. M

    Vienna Grain

    thanks, will substitute kilo of pils for vienna(not wanting a big swing in flavour), just want to use it up before its out of date. still use the caramunich and munich as per the recipe. maybe try the ale malt instead of the pils. don't you just hate how you order a grain for a specific recipe...
  18. M

    Vienna Grain

    thinking of doing a batch of dr smurtos golden ale and wacking in a kilo of vienna (any ideas as to what the end result would taste like. it's been milled so gotta use it up. also what would using ale malt instead of pilsner do to it, i'm still getting my head around the different ale types and...
  19. M

    No Chill

    i ferment in these so i can fit 6 fv in the fridge instead of 2 round ones :icon_drunk: saves me running the second fridge . haven't had a krausen explosion yet...........touch wood. migh just keep chillin till i get me an aerator then,,, do you need any special "beer friendly" stones for it?
  20. M

    Biab Split Batch

    i'm no expert but no problems, have done this myself but work on getting a bigger pot as it's much easier. you need to stagger your start time so you have enough breathing space. write down your time for hop additions etc. for each pot, it's easy to bugger it up if you've got multiple additions...