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Australia & New Zealand Homebrewing Forum

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  1. Effect

    Position Vacant: Head Brewer At Casella Wines

    But who would want to live in Griffith? Proof to all the non believers that hell exists.
  2. Effect

    Mashout Decoction

    Have a read of some text about decoctions and you will find that you won't extract tannins with a decoction mate.
  3. Effect


    This is BS...butters is banned and this guy gets to run amok?
  4. Effect

    Dry Versus Ferment Hopping

    Mods, please lock this thread and put it in the 'hall of shame' sub forum!
  5. Effect

    Disappointed With My Kolsch

    Then do decoctions! :super:
  6. Effect

    Beer Line Lenght With Flow Controller Taps

    I have my beer length as short as possible, which means about 1 metre. It would only really be about 30 centimeters, however, then I wouldn't be able to open my fridge door.
  7. Effect

    Adding Hop At 0 Mins Means What?

    0 min means flame out hops, unless otherwise stated. Chuck em in after you turn off the boil. I usually wait about 5 mins after flameout to add them and then let them sit for a good 10 mins before I start to chill. However, in the recipe database, as there is no 'dry hop' option for hop...
  8. Effect

    Dry Versus Ferment Hopping

    I did a double batch, ferment hopped one and condition hopped the other. Everyone liked the condition hopped beer more as it had more aroma and was brighter than the ferment hopped batch... Explain that speedie!
  9. Effect

    How Beer Saved The World

    Just watched it...very obvious that it was sponsored by MillerCoors. Very entertaining though. Really makes me love beer even more! Cheers Phil
  10. Effect

    Biero - Craft Brews $5 A Pint Wednesday Nights

    ??? Tips beer from bottles into kegs?
  11. Effect

    Time On My Hands - What To Brew?

    choose a number from 1 to 200 and then find that post number in what are you brewing and then brew that...
  12. Effect

    RecipeDB - 10 Min IPA

    Glad it worked out for you. I seriously have to get my arse into gear and brew one of these again. I've had a kilo of rye sitting around doing nothing for some time...will have to give it a go.
  13. Effect

    Too Old For Ahb?

    Junior from the sopranos said that, well that is the only time I have heard it...good little saying
  14. Effect

    Will This Work For Dry Hopping?

    looks like a tea ball to me mate, and several people use them for dry hopping in kegs. Works fine.
  15. Effect

    The Wheatsheaf

    I'm surprised as well...I can't fault the wheatsheaf for the amount of beers they have. I even call their beer menu 'the bible' as it has more beer in it then I could afford to pay for with a years wage. And that you have drank all of that (well, most of that) and then to say that the...
  16. Effect

    The Wheatsheaf

    You only talking about the tap beers? As they have an extensive range of beers in bottles.
  17. Effect

    RecipeDB - 10 Min IPA

    The 400 grams of hops going in in the last 10 mins of the boil. Enjoy.
  18. Effect

    Taphouse's Hottest 100 Craft Beers 2010

    don't know which ones, can't remember they will be on tap at the wheatsheaf in the coming weeks (maybe days, or they could be on tap at the moment). I think that it might be I hardcore you...but had a few drinks whilst I was talking to Jade so memory is a bit hazy. I think they will be having...
  19. Effect

    Taphouse's Hottest 100 Craft Beers 2010

    interesting, only one brewboys, no lobethal bierhaus and no steam exchange...yet coopers gets 2 places... Yeah Fents, I was talking to Jade with Hatchy. Why can we get brewdog, mikkeller and nogne o on tap at the wheatsheaf, yet we can't get kooinda? I'll drive down personally in my van to...
  20. Effect

    Epic Pale Ale Clone

    yeah, i did that as well after i posted here. Put the 1500 kilos of malt into beersmith and scaled down to 1.052. worked out basically the same as the BN CYBI recipe. I had just assumed that the americans had changed it to suit their crystal malts... Cheers Phil