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Australia & New Zealand Homebrewing Forum

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  1. jayse

    Royal Adelaide Show Beer Competition

    Hey Hey Champion Ale :super: pretty damn stoked! Ace Of Spades and Seeing Double Silver and Maiden a bronze pretty much what we expected there but the gold and champion ale for GTS was a great suprise, we might have to thank feral for not entering hop hog :lol:
  2. jayse

    Cigs War Won: Now Cancer Campaigners Set Their Sights On Beer

    Not sure about the fake smokes, if I pick up a fake les paul made in china you can tell the difference and I am sure the same will be so with my beloved port royal, time will tell. I don't have a problem with plain packaging and I don't think the same could happen with alcohol, plain packaging...
  3. jayse

    Nitrogen For Dispensing

    You do still get nitrogen in the beer after time if your using the 70/30 mix for just head pressure and the beer can end up dull and flat. If you go through the keg quickly it should be fine but a half empty keg sitting for weeks will be affected for the worse.
  4. jayse

    Nitrogen For Dispensing

    I don't think it makes stout actually better at all, some people do, I find it dulls the flavour to a point the beer tastes stale, it softens it and makes it pretty boring, same with any beer.
  5. jayse

    Regulator For 3 Ring Burner

    BBQ reg should work fine, is the air intakes opened up? I only ever used a BBQ reg when I used those and it did the job fine.
  6. jayse

    Ballarat Graduate Certificate Of Brewing

    Head brewer at say Little Creatures then 100 plus grand, brewer at Billy Joes bar and brewery then 1/3 of that, does that help?
  7. jayse

    Afl Supercoach 2011

    My team have amounted to nothing so far this year going by the fact my two highest scores are from round one and two, this will be a big win if I can manage to get over the ravens but chances are very slim.
  8. jayse

    Wig And Pen Canberra

    If we are forming an admiration society here then I am in, even nominate myself for president.
  9. jayse

    How Dark To Roast The Barley

    I am with tropical brews, order it online or at least find another homebrew store.
  10. jayse

    Afl Supercoach 2011

    I better start getting my **** together, chance to slip out of the eight this week i think.
  11. jayse

    Adelaide Guys Batz Is Going To Be In Town

    I have saturday free so will be in for a session, might make a night of it, score some fat chicks and maybe fight a cowboy or two :party:
  12. jayse

    Adelaide Guys Batz Is Going To Be In Town

    I will find out tomorow if I am free, hopefully should be right for a swim through but at least a couple beers.
  13. jayse

    Oktoberfest/marzen Recipe Feedback

    I'd do this also. 50/50 pils and munich II.
  14. jayse

    Inaugral Queensland Home Brewing Conference - November 5

    There is a bit of a clash of dates with this just two weeks after AABC in Adelaide, I don't know many brewers who can swing two weekends for beer trips that close together.
  15. jayse

    Mini Mash For Idiots

    You want the water hotter as you need to allow for it dropping at least 10c when you add the grain, 78-80c. If the pots big enough at the end add enough boiling water to bring it up to above 70c for 5-10 mins. Put all the special malts in the mash aswell if theres room, no sense dealing with...
  16. jayse

    Mythos Greek Lager @ Aldi

    I always find it weird people posting these threads here, to me its like posting on a musicians forum how you can get a cheap casio keyboard at K-mart. Would you go to a boat building enthsiasts forum and mention you can get a cheap boat from aldi? Not really the same though as most of us have...
  17. jayse

    Cow @ Brewboys This Saturday

    COW are a Adelaide original band popular and regular at The Wheaty and we are lucky to have them back for the second time at Brewboys this Saturday the 4th of June. Also on tap launched just last week Galactic Pale, 6.5% around 65 IBU, full malt frontage and backbone and hopped to high hell...
  18. jayse

    Questions About Australia

    dental is not covered, vision can be government assistance if your on low income but you still pay something. Rugdy is only really queensland and NSW and the major sport there, not a major national sport really, not even a sport if you ask me ;) Aboriginees do live in camps in the outback...
  19. jayse

    330ml Glass Bottles

    Iam in Adelaide and can get you plenty of heavy weight 330ml bottles, they won't be rinsed but they won't be terribly filthy either, come down to Brewboys at 151 regency rd Croydon Pk and have a beer or two and we can work something out. Only open thursday this week due to beer events in...
  20. jayse

    Good Beer Week

    I'll be there just after lunch friday, looking forward to it. No real plans yet outside the aiba dinner and exhibitor tasting, most likely drunken crawling around the ussual haunts. Outside being suited up for the dinner if you notice a couple dudes in brewboys tees its most likely us.