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Australia & New Zealand Homebrewing Forum

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  1. jayse

    Nats At Adelaide In Oct

    Hey everyone what a great few days, I think we can safely say we pulled of an exceptional weekend, thanks to everyone for helping make it great. If you have photos or clips please post them up somewhere, I am sure theres some embrassing ones of myself, I was too busy all weekend having fun and...
  2. jayse

    Whats The Best Stout Or Porter In Oz?

    Good to see the Spades is popular around the place and you might like to know a double version is in the making, a pilot batch will be on tap at the brewery on the weekend of AABC here in Adelaide, it will only be a couple months old and is pretty much the same recipe brought up to 8.8% with...
  3. jayse

    Brew Pal Iphone App/ Sparge Rates Etc

    You need to allow for heat loss though, if you add the water at 68c you will end up mashing in the fifties.
  4. jayse

    Best Substitute For Willamette?

    I'd agree with whole NZ fuggles going well in place of willamette.
  5. jayse

    Beer Made From Beer

    You could use this beer again to make beer from beer from beer :unsure:
  6. jayse

    Nats At Adelaide In Oct

    Hey Fatz as you can see there we have a bit of stuff happening, it would be ideal for anyone involved in the actuall judging to get here Thursday, we will order in pizza at the Wheaty and have a meet and greet and it will be a early start friday. Theres no sunday plans yet but if theres people...
  7. jayse

    Musical Equipment Porn!

    From memory I think dick dale might have been another of the lefty playing a right handed guitar strung for a right hander. Slight smart arse post but if you want better tone I'd trade the V for a Les Paul or like guitar. :P The super distortion to me in a V is OK but still not quite there...
  8. jayse

    Act Abc Results 2011

    What happened to Stagger? not brewing, not entering or bummed out? gives someone else a chance at the nationals :lol: Hope to see a few of you here in Adelaide in a few weeks. Cheers Jayse
  9. jayse

    Pro V Amateur - Who Has The Real Advantage?

    I don't think you can fairly compare as theres just too many variables, what are we comparing, The state of the art Campus brewery with every bell and whistle you could imagine against bribies biab bag? I don't know where to start so I won't.
  10. jayse

    Pro V Amateur - Who Has The Real Advantage?

    There is one issue left and that is anyone else could enter a fresh wort that was fermented at home from Ross and maybe if Ross had fermented at home is that any different?
  11. jayse

    Pro V Amateur - Who Has The Real Advantage?

    Seems a pretty clear cut breach of the rules then to me, if Ross had have brewed them himself at home then I think that is fine and within the rules. If Bachus was simply a fresh wort factory then the line might be a little less clear but if they brew beer for sale to the public on the same...
  12. jayse

    Pro V Amateur - Who Has The Real Advantage?

    From my gathering so far I don't think it was a issue of having an advantage but simply it is actually against the rules to enter beer that was brewed on a system that is used to brew beer for commercial purposes. I am not going to argue for or against the actuall rule but it does make sense, it...
  13. jayse

    Aabc And Subordinate State Competition Rules

    Another side issue with banning kits is I gather most states would loose valuable sponsership money, Coopers would no longer be interested and they are one of our main sponsers along with other brewshops whos main products are kits, at the state level Coopers also insist we award a trophy for...
  14. jayse

    Aabc And Subordinate State Competition Rules

    I disagree with those that mention kits should be entered seperately kit vs kit, ag vs ag etc, you do not judge beers against each other you judge them against guidelines and either way they will score the same. Some people seem a bit precious not wanting any kit brewer to beable to take home a...
  15. jayse

    Eisebock Technique.

    Since no one has replied I'll add something. I think the original traditional (accidental) method was put it on a cargo train across europe in the middle of winter and by the time it got to its destination it was perfect. :icon_cheers: Sorry not much help but I bumped your thread for you.
  16. jayse

    Sabsosa 2011 Results

    Hey What? condition of entry is you live in S.A or N.T. Are you saying the Mr Gardner that won the kit beer is bribie if so then we have a problem, I gather its same name different dude.
  17. jayse

    Off Flavours (the Twang)

    In two pages of (average) addvice not one person has put the twang and oxygen/oxidised in there reply. :blink:
  18. jayse

    Afl Supercoach 2011

    I have gone and backed up last years win with not even making the eight :( does anyone want the couple handfulls of trades I still have left? :o
  19. jayse

    Amy Winehouse Jokes

    You can now get a winehouse value meal at maccas' its just coke and ice.
  20. jayse

    Plans For Wooden 6 Pack Holders?

    Cranked out 500 of these at Brewboys.