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Australia & New Zealand Homebrewing Forum

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  1. jayse

    The Norfolk Hotel Fremantle

    We just recently sent more kegs of Ace Of Spades along with GTS, Galactic, King Brown and Maiden over to the Norfolk if anyone is interested, can't really tell you which will be on when as I don't know but the beer is there for all to enjoy. Cheers Jayse
  2. jayse

    Fanboys - These Members

    The only way to tell who knows their **** is to know the **** properly yourself, unfortunately new brewers ussually just believe whoever shouts the loudest (posts the most).
  3. jayse

    Like A Version.

    All the songs Elvis covered are great but Jimi's All Along The Watchtower is my fave song, no need for a link because its a classic. The Battlestar Galactica remake uses All Along The Watchtower as a theme throughout the final series which was cool. As far as modern goes there plenty of covers...
  4. jayse

    Getting Kegs Filled With Commercial Beer

    What is the reason you want to do this? If it was the same keg as the brewery use then it can get cleaned and filled with the rest in a kegging run no problems but the only money and time you would save is in the transport not having to return it, maybe a factor if you plan on taking a keg and...
  5. jayse

    What are you listening to

    Cool news!
  6. jayse

    Andechser Bergbock Hell Recpie?

    Rather then trying to make the exact beer maybe try a search for maibock and helles bock that should set you in the right path, the recipes should be pretty simple.
  7. jayse

    What Are Your Views And Opinions On Cannabis?

    I am pretty sure these threads ussually get deleted being not an acceptable subject for this forum but I like the stuff.
  8. jayse

    6 Months Till Stout Season - Recipe Recommedations

    For the imperial I would leave out or at least go very easy on the crystal/cara malts no real need for it and it can take away from what your after, go for spec malts that give a drying malty finish such as brown and amber, don't be affraid to go completey overboard with the roasted malts/roast...
  9. jayse

    Wild Hops

    Are they actually hop plants growing wildly? I ask this because there are various plants known as 'wild hops' which have no relation at all to the hops we use in beer.
  10. jayse

    Street View Spying On Everyone But The Usa

    Is it because chances are the bloke standing up looks to be buying drugs off the as you say '*******'. I agree though there isn't anything really in those photos.
  11. jayse

    Boatrocker Alpha Queen - Wow What A Beer!

    I tried it once at Cookie in Melb and all I could taste was diacetyl, I gather it is not always like this but I could not drink it the way I got it that day.
  12. jayse

    Byo Magazine - No Sparge

    This is basically my standard technique, you or at least I still mash in at a normal liquor ratio then at the end of the mash you drop all the rest of the required liquor into the tun and mix it up, recycle then drain. Its more like batch sparging really except there is only one batch, the...
  13. jayse

    Hoegaarden Grand Cru

    Possible best fit might be Belgian Golden Strong Ale
  14. jayse


    There are a few Vienna malts around, some reasonbly different, so when talking about Vienna Malt I think people should be mentioning which one they used. The JWM one will give a considerably different result then the Weyermann one Bribie linked to in his first post, many malts being called...
  15. jayse


    I would be looking at ebay for a start, plenty of what you want there. If you see something brand new on ebay from an actuall ebay muso store then billy hydes or the like will more then likely match the price.
  16. jayse

    Do I Realy Need A Wort Chiller

    2 x 2200 adds up to 18.33 amps.
  17. jayse

    Commercial Fermenter

    I don't think we need to be so precious I mean sometimes this reminds of an old ladies quilting group bitching about each other and treating each other like enemies, sometimes it does not hurt to just give a straight answer even if the questions seem dumb. I clean the pilot brewery vessels the...
  18. jayse

    Commercial Fermenter

    There is no legislation which says a fermenter needs to be of a certain minimum size and the calibration marks for the volume on a plastic fermenter are generally acceptable for a pilot size brewery. I use the commonly availiable 60 litre plastic fermenters for our pilot brewery and brew just...
  19. jayse

    AHB Articles: 2011 Close-enough-to-get-to-Adelaide spring case swap

    Nah I won't be swapping just interested in attending.
  20. jayse

    AHB Articles: 2011 Close-enough-to-get-to-Adelaide spring case swap

    Is the numbers getting capped at where it is? if not my saturday has just become free and looking at attending, still have a fair amount of my club night beer left which I'll bring. 1. Hatchy swapping something made from beer 2. Mayor of Mildura - Mildura Gold Lite Lager 3. Malted - Fat Tyre...