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Australia & New Zealand Homebrewing Forum

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  1. jayahhdee

    Keg Weighing System

    50c a sticker? any links to similar products on ebay? I was looking at getting some of Keg Volume Stickers but I think the price is a bit much.
  2. jayahhdee

    Beermasons, Any Good?

    Post from users about the current pack have been removed from their forums and they have closed facebook comments off so that we cant say anything bad about them..... Still haven't received a reply to my email. I would think an email apologizing to customers at this point would be the minimum...
  3. jayahhdee

    Beermasons, Any Good?

    Just cancelled my subscription, very disappointed in the most recent pack. It is nowhere near the quality I experienced from them early on. I can no longer recommend them as a good craft beer subscription.
  4. jayahhdee

    Stopping brewing and selling up

    You've taken a huge step and while it is sad to see someone stop a hobby that they love you are doing it for a very good reason, your own well being. I look forward to the day when you are again satisfied with your spot and can start making beer again. Well done.
  5. jayahhdee

    Yeast Book By White And Jamil - Discussion Thread

    The book on hops "For the love of Hops" has been released just ordered myself a copy.
  6. jayahhdee

    Keg King ABS Perlick Style Taps?

    Yep and they are the taps that are currently supplied with Keg King Kegerators., I've got them on mine atm (only cause I havent got off my arse and refitted my andale) and while they aren't the worst taps in the world, they do feel cheap being made from plastic. They do the job but I dont plan...
  7. jayahhdee

    The BROpener

    I have back a number of Kickstarter projects, I can happily say I will not be backing this one....
  8. jayahhdee


    I'm sure Matt has more on the way but I can't blame him for wanting to reduce the amount of free advertising he gives them.
  9. jayahhdee

    Yeast Book By White And Jamil - Discussion Thread

    I've got this sitting on the book shelf in my beer/brewing collection but still haven't got around to giving it a good read, as soon as this good weather finishes I'll tackle it I think.
  10. jayahhdee

    Chilling vs No Chill

    Currently no-chill but I am looking at chilling options for Pales, APA's and IPA's and anything else with decent late hop additions.
  11. jayahhdee

    Brewerschoice: Australia's cheapest keg set?

    Where are you located? It will be easier to give an idea of where to look.
  12. jayahhdee

    Keeping Beer In Kegs

    Yep, natural carb in the keg is the perfect solution for you.
  13. jayahhdee

    How Much Did You Brew 2012?

    roughly 300L over the course of the year. Most of that was BIAG, the last 35L was the first 2 runs (23L and 12L) on my new 3V HERMS, planning on doing a lot more through that this year :D
  14. jayahhdee

    Where To Source 50l Cub Style Kegs?

    Keg King sell pre cut keggles including ball valve for $100 ($90 if paying cash), they are old 50l kegs from european brewerys, so now hassles from CUB etc. I'm recently got one and am very happy with it.
  15. jayahhdee

    Show Us Your Hb Xmas Present

    I got the same, well kinda, I got given the cold hard cash to go and grab one in the new year :D So pumped to get back in to kegging, now to fill my 7 kegs.
  16. jayahhdee

    Christmas Lotto 2012

    Sorry for taking so long to get mine posted, just wanted to make sure it had carbed properly in the bottle (fresh batch), will be in the post on Monday.
  17. jayahhdee

    Try An Ale

    ahh, one of those shirts says anal.....
  18. jayahhdee

    Melbourne/vic Grain Bulk Buy - Late Nov/early Dec

    Great news Nibbo, thanks for all the work, putting these together can't be easy. Look forward to meeting you on Saturday.
  19. jayahhdee

    Poh's Kitchen Abc1

    Not enough beer in the episode.... Very interested in the sugar preserved hops flowers tho.... wtf? Anyone cooked with hops?
  20. jayahhdee

    Storing Bulk Buy Grain

    I use the 25L handy pails from bunnings, 2 buckets per bag, stack easily and havent had any rodent issues.