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Australia & New Zealand Homebrewing Forum

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  1. RobW

    Knurling on a Mashmaster Mini Mill

    Hi Dicko Do you moisten the grain before crushing to give the rollers better purchase? Cheers Rob
  2. RobW

    Liquid Hops

    No laughing matter that. :ph34r:
  3. RobW

    An Aussie built 2lt V8 motorcycle

    There a a couple of blokes who do that with a Pratt & Whitney out of a Catalina that they take to airshows. Sounds glorious.
  4. RobW

    Vic Floor Malted Barley - EOI

    I'm going to have to let this one go - sorry Yob If anybody wants the spot then jump on. Yob : 1 AJ80: 1 Rob.P: 2 Professional_Drunk: 1 Mardoo: 1 DU99 : 1 Danwood: 2 Idzy: 1 SimoB :1 CrookedFingers : 1 slcmorro: 1 Dips Me Lid : 1 Black n Tan: 1 CrazyOldGuy: 1 djar007: 1 Crouch: 2 mofox1: 1...
  5. RobW

    good bar/ beer near southern cross station melb ?

    Jump on a train or tram to Flinders St
  6. RobW

    Vic Floor Malted Barley - EOI

    Edit: realised I left the running total off Yob : 1 AJ80: 1 Rob.P: 2 Professional_Drunk: 1 Mardoo: 1 DU99 : 1 Danwood: 2 Idzy: 1 SimoB :1 CrookedFingers : 1 slcmorro: 1 Dips Me Lid : 1 Black n Tan: 1 CrazyOldGuy: 1 djar007: 1 Crouch: 2 mofox1: 1 Whiteferret: 2 Mall: 1 Roller997: 1...
  7. RobW

    Vic Floor Malted Barley - EOI

    Yob : 1 AJ80: 1 Rob.P: 2 Professional_Drunk: 1 Mardoo: 1 DU99 : 1 Danwood: 2 Idzy: 1 SimoB :1 CrookedFingers : 1 slcmorro: 1 Dips Me Lid : 1 Black n Tan: 1 CrazyOldGuy: 1 djar007: 1 Crouch: 2 mofox1: 1 Whiteferret: 2 Mall: 1 Roller997: 1 Longlostbelgian: 1 Fort Monty : 2 AndyD :1 MashBasher : 1...
  8. RobW

    Hepatitis Wine

    Here's the Vic Health Department release
  9. RobW

    Hepatitis Wine

    My advice is: 1 The alcohol level in wine in insufficient to kill the virus (can survive >70%) 2 If the berries are not from the implicated batch then the chance of virus being present is extremely low My source is happy to take it if you don't want it (C:
  10. RobW

    Hepatitis Wine

    No, but I have been considering a career change.
  11. RobW

    Hepatitis Wine

    I work with a number of Hepatitis experts. If you stand by I can ask them.
  12. RobW

    Gladwrap instead of airlock

    +1 (and I don't bother with the seal either).
  13. RobW

    Wetting grain before milling Vs not wetting it

    Thanks mark - understood
  14. RobW

    Wetting grain before milling Vs not wetting it

    and Mark does it matter if you're then going to boil it off?
  15. RobW

    This guy just doesn't seem to get it

    Turnbull will do what Howard did - wait until things deteriorate to the point where they beg him to stand against Abbott. Until then he'll play the loyal party man (if unconvincingly). It's a waiting game for him. There's no other real alternative except maybe (shudder) Morrison. Bishop won't...
  16. RobW

    Airlocks in ferm fridge

    I have a lid with no airlock hole and use that without the seal.
  17. RobW

    Braumeister - Tips & Tricks

    I like to wash and rinse first to get rid of the particulate matter, then run the pump with fresh PBW in hot water. After that let it soak for a day or so and then rinse and dry.
  18. RobW

    Poor little pet lamb

    I liked the irony that Craig Thompson was dumped in it by Kathy Jackson and then it turns out she has her snout in the trough too.
  19. RobW

    Planning a dark ale. Salted Caramel... HELP!

    Start with the grist and additions for those 2: Rogue: 2-Row, Munich, C120, Chocolate, Black - Kiln Coffee & Rogue Farms Dare™ and Risk™ Malts; Pretzels, Raspberry Extract, Chocolate, Founders: Prob similar base plus caramel and choc malts Not sure about the salted bit though ;)
  20. RobW

    Brewtech SS fermenting vessels discussion thread

    Use a jar of sanitiser with a tube from the fermenter that sits above the liquid and a tube to the outside that is under the sanitiser. Just a big airlock really. Apologies for the pathetic artwork.