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  1. RobW

    Recommended Acquisition of SABMiller by Anheuser-Busch INBEV SA/NV
  2. RobW

    Do You Guys Read Much?

    Half way through the Game of Thrones set - it's a big read!
  3. RobW

    The rule of 7

    I had a Vienna lager from Theresianer last night - - so had a look at the website and noticed they claim to brew lagers by the Rule of 7, which is a new one to me: THE RULE OF 7 Theresianer, like the noblest of beers, guarantees excellence in its...
  4. RobW

    You know you are hooked when...

    You wash the dishes and it reminds you to check the gravity of the brew (not that I brew green beer - even for St Pat's Day)
  5. RobW

    How to drive a race car

    The track's changed a bit between those 2 clips.
  6. RobW

    Who Uses a Hop Sock/Bag

    I use a hopsock because I have a counterflow chiller and I like to be able to pull the sock out at the end of the boil. This means the hops aren't in the wort during the whirlpool and then for the 15 minutes or so it takes to run through the chiller.
  7. RobW

    Dedicated Braumeister Guide, Problems & Solution Thread

    Some nice Braumeister parts here from Italy: Bulk buy maybe?
  8. RobW

    OK, so who can tell the difference?
  9. RobW

    Goodbye Bronwyn

    That pic explains quite a lot really - especially the appeal of (easy to remember) 3 word slogans Except I can't explain the trainers pants.
  10. RobW

    Goodbye Bronwyn

    It's the cult of celebrity. The 15 milliseconds of fame to paraphrase Warhol. They see their handle come up on the bottom of the screen and suddenly they reckon they're up there with the Kardashians.
  11. RobW

    Continuing Jokes Thread

    "There are a number of mechanical devices which increase sexual arousal, particularly in women. Chief among these is the Mercedes-Benz SL500." Lynn Lavner "Sex at age 90 is like trying to shoot pool with a rope." Camille Paglia "Women might be able to fake orgasms. But men can fake a...
  12. RobW

    Goodbye Bronwyn

    Or John Bourke
  13. RobW

    Goodbye Bronwyn

    Not if he was booed for what he did and it stopped there. Yes if he was booed ever time he went on the ground irrespective of what he'd done. Adam Goodes is booed for what he is, not what he does on the ground. That's racist.
  14. RobW

    Goodbye Bronwyn

    Love the smell of hairspray in the morning
  15. RobW

    Goodbye Bronwyn

    You'd think he's running out of time when he needs to rely on the conservative rump and the Nats to shore him up. Hopefully it'll be before he completely trashes the country and our international reputation.
  16. RobW

    Goodbye Bronwyn

    $255K plus travel, office etc,etc
  17. RobW

    Kegging Setups

    Darryl – Oh Steve could you move the Camira I need to get the Torana out so I can get to the Commodore. Steve – I’ll have to get the keys to the Cortina if I’m gonna move that Camira
  18. RobW

    End of financial year sales?

    Grain & Grape have up to 20% off this Saturday but not much use if you live in Sydney
  19. RobW

    Sodium Percarbonate in the dishwasher

    Yeah, I did the same thing to an Anolon roasting dish - ended up very dull and patchy on the outside. The inside was brilliantly clean though.