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  1. zoigl

    Braumeister - Tips & Tricks

    Hi bobcharlie you don't say 20litre or 50litre, the 50 litre draws 15 amps. I can't see why you would want to mash this way, I set my 50 l up the night before, grind the grain and get the mash going around 40 c the next day. Are you experimenting with the mash? What are you trying to achieve.Are...
  2. zoigl

    Braumeister - Tips & Tricks

    So long as it is clean of visible grot, the impeller should be OK with out the need to boil it. You boil the wort anyway, so that will sanitize the impeller. Also after each brew, I like to fill the BM 3/4 full, bring the temperature to 70c, and add Napisan or PBW for a soak10 - 15 minutes...
  3. zoigl

    Braumeister - Tips & Tricks

    Hi micblair, I have used 50% wheat The cloth filters work like a charm, they were original equipment. I sewed some bias binding tape around the edge and have a draw-string to keep it tight. Over time, the hole in the middle became enlarged, so I got a kitchen sink strainer and drilled a hole...
  4. zoigl

    Braumeister - Tips & Tricks

    Hi Brew Master I am curious as to whether or not you had the filter screen on top and that you left the fine mesh screens on the bottom. I have an early BM which uses cloth filters over the SS mesh screens. I have had geysers shooting up when using a high proportion of wheat in the grain bill...
  5. zoigl

    Braumeister - Tips & Tricks

    Regarding adding rice hulls... I read of a previous post by someone unknown to me, that he made a tea of rice hulls. That got me experimenting. The night before I brew, I take a 5 litre jug, add 2 litres (volume) of dry rice hulls, then add 2 kitchen kettles of boiling water. Rice hulls have a...
  6. zoigl

    Braumeister - Tips & Tricks

    Let us know how you get on, it sounds amazing.
  7. zoigl

    Braumeister - Tips & Tricks

    The reason I dealt with Ralph is that the only dealer in Australia couldn't get his act together, I reckon that I would still be waiting! I got a replacement pump impeller sent later as I found out that they do not bounce on concrete floors. :lol:
  8. zoigl

    Braumeister - Tips & Tricks

    DeGarre, thanks for the headsup. I wonder if an upgrade would be a useful thing to do. My 50l BM is a few years old now. Like you I find emailing and dealing direct is an easy way to go. Let's know how everything pans out Cheers Zoigl
  9. zoigl

    Braumeister - Tips & Tricks

    I use the upturned lid from my 50 l. BM to sparge, remove the knob first. I have a copper flue device as supplied with my BM, so the lid is pretty much useless. I use a whirlfoc tablet 5 minutes before flameout/end of boil. I have an immersion chiller recirculating the water from my undergound...
  10. zoigl

    Braumeister - Tips & Tricks

    Good luck Mick, I hope all goes well. What are you brewing?
  11. zoigl

    Braumeister - Tips & Tricks

    G'day Cameron Congratulations on you new BM, I enjoy using mine. The wort should not bubble outside the malt pipe, the seal may have come off your small pipe or the pipe could be misplaced in relation to the pump vents. Check where the pump inlet/outlets are in relation to the pipe before adding...
  12. zoigl

    Grolsch Tap / Beer Head

    Try "Beer tap handles" on eBay, they come up occasionally, usually from the USA
  13. zoigl

    My Conical Fermenter

    Thanks Joe, I always like to cross check information I read on the web, there are some crazy ideas hiding the gems, this just could be one of those gems worth following up. cheers :)
  14. zoigl

    My Conical Fermenter

    I am curious, do you have a reading, a book. or a magazine article, or a web page reference that I could read on pressurized fermenting? Cheers
  15. zoigl

    pelick pc v ss

    I reckon that the plastic perlicks are the ants pants, I have tried all the taps available locally and found that unless you can chill the tap, foamy heads take a long time to pour. With the plastic taps, a quick pour of 2 fingers into the glass, drink that and the tap is now chilled and easy to...
  16. zoigl

    My Conical Fermenter

    Hi Joe I am not a fan of lambics either. I spent a few days in Belgium and could not get the hang of the flavours. The Berliner Weisse is drunk with raspberry cordial or woodroof syrup. You've got to ask why Louis Pasteur discovered how to make perfect beer and now so many new brewers reject his...
  17. zoigl

    My Conical Fermenter

    Just a couple of thoughts, I have a couple of the 50 L USA plastic conicals as advertised in Brew your own, I have not found the need to pressurize them, the lid slips on easily. I don't even use a bubble thingy. The carbon dioxide which is a byproduct of the fermentation process protects my...
  18. zoigl

    Useless flow from cheapo flow-restrictor tap

    I tried all the taps available locally to overcome the miles of tubing in my KK kegerator. I had trouble with the flow restrictor taps but managed to overcome the problem by making 2 taps from the 3 that I had. They worked, The little thingamy sticking out that controls the in out function was...
  19. zoigl

    50l Braumeister

    I married a German Fraulein 47 years ago who likes her beer almost as much as me, so no problems. We even get to visit the Bavarian Beer area each year! :D She is my best mate!
  20. zoigl

    50l Braumeister

    I watch my mash at the beginning of the brew and at the beginning of the boil process (ie after removing the malt tube) hovering over it with a fine mesh kitchen strainer ready to collect any wayward bits of grain/rice hulls that might have sneaked past the cloth filter/strainers.