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Australia & New Zealand Homebrewing Forum

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  1. zoigl

    Grolsch bottle alternative?

    I have been travelling in Germany each year for many years now. This year, it has been obvious to me at least, that swing tops bottles are losing favour with the brewers. While they are still available, more and more breweries are using crown seals, So grab any that you can find. Seals are still...
  2. zoigl

    Diatomaceous Earth For Weavils

    In my experience, weavils seem to thrive in warm, moist conditions, take these conditions away and your weavils should disappear. You will need to fog the area using a machine or perhaps one of those pressure packs available in the big supermarkets, where you pull the pin, lock up the house, and...
  3. zoigl

    Ideas for getting stench out of a chesty

    Freshly ground coffee grounds in an open dish got rotten meat stink out of a freezer switched off for months, give it a try. It took a week for the smell to completely go away. An old German trick!
  4. zoigl

    Hi, from country Sth Aus

    Nothing wrong with kits or bottling. It's a great hobby.
  5. zoigl

    Braumeister - Tips & Tricks

    I am not at home,in Tassie on holidays. The mesh wraps around the ss seive and that is why I like it.I am not sure about size. I have some coming from Germany, should be here in a few weeks.
  6. zoigl

    Braumeister - Tips & Tricks

    I usually have the malt tube on my hoist at least for the last few litres. You will probably find that some grain will work its way through the bottom hole and/or your lauter water will disappear rapidly. I found that using a plastic brewer's spoon with a long handle jammed into the spindle...
  7. zoigl

    Hop Dealz Australia

  8. zoigl

    Braumeister - Tips & Tricks

    I weighed it, I have some commercial, shop counter, digital scales, from eBay, which weigh up to 35kg. (Not forgetting to tare the bucket first.) I usually brew Pilsners and use 30 L of rainwater and 22 L filtered tap water so I have a check on the BM quantity, I also lauter with 10 L of...
  9. zoigl

    Braumeister - Tips & Tricks

    I weigh all my water additions, and leftovers. Don't forget that the malt tube with wet grain comes into the equation, (like I did as a beginner.) My plastic jugs are not accurate with the volumes marked. A traveller's hand scale is helpful. 1kg = 1 litre Top line = 52 litres I lauter with 10...
  10. zoigl

    Braumeister - Tips & Tricks

    I use a conical fermenter, so I am not too worried about the trub, it settles fairly quickly. I also only use 1 whirlfloc tablet (crushed) per 43 litres of wort. I prefer the taste of unfiltered beer and some very minor haze is OK with me, but generally my Pilsners sparkle. I lager for a minimum...
  11. zoigl

    Braumeister - Tips & Tricks

    This sounds a bit strange to me, why bother about convection currents when you are going to whirlpool? Surely whirl-pooling will stir up the wort while chilling it and should thus defeat your original goals. I put a lid on my BM50 to keep out airborne bugs as the wort cools especially below...
  12. zoigl

    Rice Hulls - Newcastle area?

    I understand that barley husks are also used for horse bedding, I have heard of people using these for brewing. I read of some one making rice hull tea and tried it myself. Get a French press coffee maker, from Vinnies, add a cup of rice hulls and Boiling water, I guarantee that you will never...
  13. zoigl

    Drawer rails for my mill

    Great job!
  14. zoigl

    Bar Keepers Friend

    Great product, I buy by the case lot over the net. Fantastic on copper. Thanks for the feedback,
  15. zoigl

    Bar Keepers Friend

    Why was it pulled? I haven't seen any thing about its unavailability? Was it a batch problem or more serious?
  16. zoigl

    Dedicated Braumeister Guide, Problems & Solution Thread

    Have you got a camp mattress insulation jacket?
  17. zoigl

    Braumeister - Tips & Tricks

    I use Napisan without any scent, a pink plastic bottle. I buy it when Coles have it on special. I rinse out most of the trub, fill the BM with water to the thread on the central shaft, add about a cup of Napisan, place the malt tube inside sans seal. And crank the temp up to 79c, leave it over...
  18. zoigl

    Braumeister - Tips & Tricks

    I reckon that you had better look at where your responses are coming from. In Australia we have 240 volts, I am not sure what you are getting in the US but my guess is around 110 volts. I lived in Japan for a number of years and they have 100 AND 110 volts depending where you live. The...
  19. zoigl

    Braumeister - Tips & Tricks

    Blind Dog If you do a boil, I am sure any bacteria should be destroyed. There should be some charts somewhere which indicates the degree of destruction of bacteria at certain temperatures. It runs something like 2 minutes @ 90 c down to 15 minutes @65c don't quote me on these numbers look them...
  20. zoigl

    Braumeister - Tips & Tricks

    bobcharlie, It should be possible to do what you are trying to achieve. You could use a timer until mash out. Then auto switch off with a timer. The next day just do a manual boil. I always do a 90 minute boil at 102degC and have never had a failure. If it was me, I probably would wake up and do...