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Australia & New Zealand Homebrewing Forum

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  1. zoigl

    Sodium Met. & Chloramine

    Any tips on measuring such a small amount? :huh: I would have a go at measuring the smallest amount my scales could handle then pour the powder (assuming that it has been pulverised to a powder in a mortar and pestle) onto a sheet of clean A4 paper then divide it in half with a sharp knife...
  2. zoigl

    Sodium Met. & Chloramine

    Any tips on measuring such a small amount? :huh: I would have a go at measuring the smallest amount my scales could handle then pour the powder (assuming that it has been pulverised to a powder in a mortar and pestle) onto a sheet of clean A4 paper then divide it in half with a sharp knife...
  3. zoigl

    Manufactured Kegerators

    I am a beginner AG brewer and have only made a couple of brews, I paid about the same price I like it, but it is a bit of an ask to get it to hold 3 cornies, I think that it could be done though. 2 cornies is easy! There is another style of kegerator with a bulging door, this might be easier to...
  4. zoigl

    25 L Cubes

    Gaganos brothers grocery store at hindmarsh in South Australia have ex vinegar cubes for about $5 and glass carboys in 3 sizes, 15, 25 & 35 litres amongst other goodies for making home brews cheers :P
  5. zoigl

    Wanted: Turkey Burner Adelaide.

    The Asian grocery store in Findon Road next to the Port Rd has big burners for restaurant wok cooking, :P
  6. zoigl

    40 Litre Crab Cooker

    Anyone looking for good SS gear should keep an eye on the auctions clearing out defunct restaurants. These are held on a regular basis here in Adelaide, but it pays to check out what you are buying. One of the auction houses here puts up a container load of crap that some one sources in China...
  7. zoigl

    OK, You're Here And You Brew, What Else Do You Do?

    Middle school humanities teacher in international schools in Bangkok, Thailand and Osaka, Japan. 15 years as expat out of Australia. Now at home in Adelaide and loving it! Retired and just perplexed at where to start full AG. :rolleyes: Is there anyone in the western suburbs who would like to...
  8. zoigl

    Sterilize Or Sanitise

    The Macquarie concise dictionary 1998 shows sterilize and sanitize as alternative spelling, it is acceptable to use either "S" or "Z". Just my two bob's ( sorry, twenty cents!) worth. :icon_cheers: Kampai!
  9. zoigl

    Microbrewies - In Adelaide/ South Aussie

    G'day Adam, I'm in the same boat, having recently arrived home after being absent for 15 years in Asia. There seems to be an amazing array of micro breweries mushrooming up around Adelaide. I'd like to see a list of these breweries and some recommended, must try brews from each one. Is there...
  10. zoigl

    [brewery] The Barossa Brewing Company

    So why is it the best kept secret of South Australia? I was in the area today......... :blink: How do I find this brewery?
  11. zoigl

    Coopers Coopers Beer Sales Soar, Sold 58.781 Million Litres In 2009&#3

    I could buy Coopers Pale Ale in Osaka, Japan for a while. Costco, the American bulk sales warehouse used to stock it. Just before I left Japan, Coopers Pale ale was unobtainable :angry: . I was in Japan for 10 years :( Now I am home, who cares? I am about to launch into my own AG as soon as I...
  12. zoigl

    Brewing System

    There goes the kid' :icon_chickcheers: s inheritance I am retired and need a new hobby that includes a great beer Cheers
  13. zoigl

    Dough Proof Box

    Hi Brewer pete Alas my first post has nothing to do with beer I have yet to make my first AG but I'm working on getting the gear togther, I love your hot box proving idea. I have used two different books and 2 different approaches to bread making in my search for the perfect loaf I started...