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  1. D

    Ebay, Gumtree and FB Marketplace

    I opened it up to try and fix the clip and build quality didnt look amazing, the earth wire was just cut off and hanging in there etc But it did work fine up untill the clip stopped working.
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    Ebay, Gumtree and FB Marketplace

    I have one of these I got last year and one of the clips will no longer lock the lid down 90% of the time, I didnt have a problem with the nozzle like you however.
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    Bread Porn

    Thanks for the tips Dave, will take a look around for some flours with higher protein and give that a shot (not sure what % that molini flour was as I chucked out the packet).
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    Bread Porn

    Quick question (not technically bread.. but close enough): What would make pizza dough break easily when stretched and not look nice and smooth? I normaly make pizza every friday (have one of those electric pizza cookers). Recipe I have always used 4 cups flour (use 00 flour molini flour from...
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    Vacuum Food Sealer (cryovac)

    I have one of those rebadged packaging center type sealers. The left clip to hold the lid closed on mine doesn't lock half the time (can be really annoying).
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    Sleepless After Brewing

    I have heard some people put hops in their pillow to help them sleep.. maybe the vapours dont have the same effect.
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    Kitchen Aid Artisan

    Does anyone here use a spiral dough hook like this (not the standard one) Video here: Looks like it would work better than the standard one (seems to just form a big clump on the hook and spin it round the bowl).
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    Throw Out Your Cubes

    I don't own a chiller but will most likely get one some day. (First want to get a water filter of some description) Not really hurrying because I like the convenience of splitting up the brew day to ferment when I have a free spot in the fridge or free time.
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    I Am Brand New To Brewing, Any Help Appreciated

    I think kegs taste different to bottles. Theories I have (without any scientific evidence): Larger volumes of beer mature/taste different to smaller volumes Yeast growing/fermenting in the bottle modifies the taste. Cooling the keg quicker as opposed to leaving at room temperature for a while...
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    The Future Of Australian Craft Beer?

    As long as the beer is good the size of a company doesnt bother me. Sure you may want to support the smaller guys as they are probably doing it harder but it wouldnt effect my enjoyment of the beer. Saying that.. I agree that malt shovel has gone to **** lately. Somewhat OT but I got an...
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    Water Chemistry Question

    Can anyone recommend somewhere to get a Good Filter? (not sure if I want to go full RO or just use a bit of carbon to make the water taste a bit better)
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    Wild Yeast Fermentation

    Had forgot about my wild yeast ferment. How long is recommended for wild fermentations to age before trying them? From what ive heard a year would probably be good to give whatever bacteria is in there a chance to do their thing?
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    Warm Enough To Brew?

    What is actually in dry enzyme anyway? is it the same enzyme that works in the mash at lower temps (alpha amylase?)
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    Warm Enough To Brew?

    That's the method of warming I use when I want to create VB
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    2 Pot Stovetop Ag With Lauter

    Not sure if this is the right place to ask. but I'll ask anyway I went straight to BIAB and was wondering how long does an average mash tun take to drain with a manifold? (I realise this is a bit like asking how long is a piece of string.. just after a rough idea). Reason I ask is that I was...
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    Warm Enough To Brew?

    Another great tip that has been passed down for generations is to pour your brew into the bath then jump in and have a wash with it, your body temp is about 37c so should heat it up enough, then you can just scoop it back into the fermenter with a bucket. Works a treat and you smell awesome...
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    Kegging Setups

    Can you drop the front 2 kegs down on the floor and have the back ones up high? (hard to tell but that may give enough room)
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    Stuck Fermentation?

    Temperature can also throw off the readings, the hydrometer will normally say what temperature they are calibrated for (normally 20c) so if the water was fairly cold this could also throw off the reading. If it is off at 20c you can just subtract it across the whole scale so 1016 would be 1014.
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    Stuck Fermentation?

    Stick your hydrometer in some water and make sure it is reading 0. Sounds a bit high to me I would think closer to 1010 if its 23L. I would just let it sit for longer if the hydrometer is reading fine, maybe give it a bit of a swirl to stir up some yeast from the bottom.
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    Warm Enough To Brew?

    Just use an extra 2 kilos of sugar and an extra cup of bakers yeast and you will be right mate!