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  1. D

    Pot Choice

    Do you think getting a keg dip tube and folding over the end and clamping it shut would work? If not that long thermowell might be the go. Edit: with those 200mm sensors, would just the end being in the mash suffice? Or does the whole thing need to be immersed to give an accurate reading? Are...
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    Pot Choice

    I just drop the probe through the urn lid into the mash, I'm too worried a thermowell would catch on the bag or immersion chiller. Would really like to find a nice long SS probe to suite the stc-1000.
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    Keg Flowback

    I think it is a combination of over carbing, too short beer lines and low serving pressure. If you carb it to a higher pressure than what you are pouring at the co2 will come out of solution (which sounds like what you are seeing in your lines). If it were me I would stick 3m of beerline on...
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    Best Placement For Thermowell In Urn

    Somewhat off topic but is there a thin long probe for the stc-1000 that can handle boiling temps? (Ie to stick through the lid of an urn) Am thinking something like this?
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    Racking To Secondary

    If you have a keg system it wouldnt hurt to give a blast of co2 into your container and your syphon hose. Have also heard of people adding dextrose/malt to get the yeast to produce some more co2.
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    Whats In The Glass

    I was actually trying to make a witbier so I dont know if that technically classifies as a wheat beer. Just happened to have a 2kg bag of wheat so thats what I went with. Just had look at brewing classic styles and he reccomends 2.49kg pils 2.26kg flaked wheat and 113g munich for a witbier so...
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    Whats In The Glass

    My first wheat beer, pretty proud of this one, tastes awesome. 59% pils 41% wheat 20 IBU hallertau at 60 mins 5 mins Coriander Seeds Lemon Zest (had no oranges) Chamomile teabags wb-06 yeast
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    Whirlpool, Immersion Chiller And Hop Bags Query

    Was thinking about skipping the bags but wasnt sure if hop matter in the fermenter would be a problem (not such a big deal with no chill as it usually settles out in the cube before I put it into the fermenter) Guess I will just go bagless next time and see how it goes (one less thing to clean...
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    Wild Yeast Fermentation

    Drank the original wild yeast this arvo (the one that fermented in 30c heat for a day or two), was suprisingly not bad (pitty I cant remember what recipe the wort was from) tasted to me like an average english ale. It was cloudy and none of the yeast had really settled in the bottle which seemed...
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    Whirlpool, Immersion Chiller And Hop Bags Query

    So I finally got around to getting an immersion chiller, but I am a bit unclear on when I should be doing what at the end of the boil. EG today I had some 0 minute addition hop pellets.. I put them in a hop bag (I dont have any kind of hop screen), turned off the heat and started the immersion...
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    Can You Review My Idea For A Biab Brew Table

    Isn't bleach bad for stainless steel?
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    Aussie Made Durable Hydrometers And Carboys

    I have an idea.. screw on fitting that screws onto the top of a cube that allows enough headspace (maybe 5L) for krausen and has a big opening for easy cleaning... (no chillers krausen collar a la the coopers kits)
  13. D

    Pot Choice

    Many people do have urns. These are great as with electric you can use an electrical timer and an stc-1000 temp controller to heat up your strike water while you sleep. Shaves a fair bit of time off the brew day. An stc-1000 will also come in handy for reading mash temps or doing a...
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    Olive Oil In Fermenter And It Went Nuts!

    Would be interested if anyone had done a split batch experiment like: aerating alone aerating with olive oil olive oil alone I did see one on a forum when I googled it but the posts stopped before any conclusion was mentioned
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    Olive Oil In Starter

    Dragging up a dead thread.. Found the information pretty interesting but was wondering if anyone still use olive oil in place of aeration? (if not, why not?)
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    Double Batch Electric System

    Maybe different elements boil differently? I have 2400w in birko urn and that seems just about right for a 31-32 boil
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    Diastatic Lme

    Also if you get one with an sg and brix scale double check it with beersmith or another brix/sg converter as I believe most of them are a bit out of whack on the sg scale for higher gravities (maybe have been fixed by now but probably not).
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    Tech Help

    I've always got my hdmi cables from here good quality cables and decent price (not affiliated, just found them on a audio visual forum ages ago and have used them about 3 times and always found them great)
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    Protein Rests

    Whats the theory with not re-hydrating the dry yeast? I thought this improved the viable cell count?
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    Throw Out Your Cubes

    For the authentic italian botulism dry meat a pound of ground up salami for 3 months into the fermenter once fermentation is complete. Edit: make sure it is nitrite free or this may effect the bott