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Australia & New Zealand Homebrewing Forum

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  1. D

    First Urn Biab - Great Experience

    I use a ladder leaning against a wall to make a portable skyhook, also is easy to tie off the pulley rope to a ladder rung.
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    Galaxy..friend Or Foe?

    Recently made an ale which I wasnt happy with, chucked about 1g/l of galaxy into the keg to dry hop and it seems to have rescued it.. so it is my friend currently.
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    Vacuum Sealer For Hops

    I have one the same as this and its starting to give me the *****. It doesnt seem to have enough suction.. any tips to get it going better (I have removed the filter and tried cleaning out the metal 'snorkel' bit but it still doesnt...
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    What Does Your Lady Drink

    Every beer I make: 'tastes like beer, yech' I think she enjoyed a cider I made once.. but not enough to actually help me make it again.
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    Kits N Kegs

    Now if only someone came up with a true 1 vessel brew/serve system so I could drain out the trub/yeast etc and then just chuck it in the fridge and carbonate... maybe a keg shaped conical with an element inside and wider lid?
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    Wtb - Perth - Hop Rhizomes

    +1 Rupert is really helpful and his customer service is awesome.
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    Simple Q - Carbonation Drops

    They are designed for 375ml so will be slightly more carbonated than they should be..
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    Simple Q - Carbonation Drops

    Strange thing for a store to say.. Wonder what their reasoning was, aren't the drops just sugar?
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    Kits N Kegs

    Man up Manticle. Bottle 60 x 375ml bottles rather than slacking it with the 750's and your problem is solved.
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    Braumeister On Ebay

    So when are you starting production edak so we can buy australian! I am very tempted to try and grab a braumeister before 1st child is born as I have a feeling budget wont be able to accomodate it after.
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    Don't Brew Pi$$ed

    I wasnt even pissed and for some reason I decided my 40g of homegrown saaz looked like 40g of willamette pellets and chucked them in at 90 mins of the boil last weekend..
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    Kits N Kegs

    Once you get kegs you never look back.. it is probably the best investment a homebrewer can make imho. I brewed kits for a number of years and was churning out some really nice beers but you do get a lot more control of the final product going ag (at the expense of time). Like has already been...
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    First World Problems Thread

    Thats nothing.. I forgot I had a leftover homemade hamburger in the fridge from dinner last night and took ****** macaroni and cheese to work..
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    How Many Forum Members

    Flame war erupts over wether it is better to change the light bulb with 3 ladders or 1 ladder and a safety harness.
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    Help Need Urgently

    +1 for longer lines
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    Grains In Darwin

    Might end up cheaper getting a fridge and temperature controller than running AC 24/7 sammo
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    Broken Hop Bags

    It should be fine, they will hopefully settle down the bottom of the fermenter with the yeast. The only problem you may have is if you have a sediment reducer on your tap these can block up pretty easily with loose hops.
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    Smoking With Spent Grain

    I am pretty sure I read spent grain as an ingredient on some smoking pellets I was looking at in bunnings once... thought I could be imagining it
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    Anyone For Sensational Head?

    So if I am reading this calculator right..( If my mash was 55c with about 25L of water.. then added 8L of boiling water.. I should be round about 65.9 C ?
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    Show Us Your Brew Cave

    haha liked the quick pan then cut when it went past the 'essential oil' extractors