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Australia & New Zealand Homebrewing Forum

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  1. Pennywise

    Whats In The Glass (commercial)

    A couple I've had in the last few days Drinking the kilt lifter now, so far the best scotch ale I've had. Though that hasn't been many. Letting it warm up a little has done me favors. Nice clean alcohol on the nose and a caramel smooth mouthfeel, nice and velvety
  2. Pennywise

    No Topic Thread

    Even harder getting there
  3. Pennywise

    Bacchus Brew Day In Time Lapse.

    Bacchus brought to you by Benny Hill :lol:
  4. Pennywise

    Power Bill

    Enery Australia are the ones that run enerygywatch aren't they?
  5. Pennywise

    Millennium.... Wtf To Do With Them ?

    Offer them up for a swap of some HB's if you wont use them, always good to try other's beers. Someone might want to be adventurous. That someone isn't me... :P
  6. Pennywise

    Whats In The Glass (commercial)

    That's my IPA fix for the night.
  7. Pennywise

    Fermenter Damage?

    I wouldn't brew in it..
  8. Pennywise

    Double Brew

    With kits, you don't need to use hops at all (though IMO it's better to). If you want the same out come as with one kit & fermentables with say 30g of hops steeped, then yeah, for two kits in double the volume you'll need to double the hops. Same goes with any other ingredient
  9. Pennywise

    Places To Go Melbourne

    Cookie is good for a decent beer and good food. On Swanston street
  10. Pennywise

    No Topic Thread

  11. Pennywise

    Beer Storage

    I wouldn't store them in a garage in summer for any length of time, winter yeah, but garages get pretty damn hot in summer. Is there any reason you can't store the two kegs in the house? I have 9 kegs and the ones waiting sit out of sight in the loungroom where the temp is a lot more stable...
  12. Pennywise

    Whats In The Glass (commercial)

    Damn, it bloody well looks like it doesn't it. I didn't get any fly in the mouthfeel, and it wasn't there when the glass was empty so ummm, I dunno :unsure: If it was it came out of the bottle...
  13. Pennywise

    Whats In The Glass (commercial)

    Didn't mine their hop rocker, and this is a pretty nice drop. Not super special, but a good session beer
  14. Pennywise

    No Topic Thread

    300 bucks it's gonna cost me, so for a $70 part they're charging me 230 to fit it. It'll take an hour. **** me, I'm opening up a my own mechanics
  15. Pennywise

    Calibrating Sight Guage

    1L is 1000g
  16. Pennywise

    No Topic Thread

    The ignition barrel on my Commo shat itself today, wasn't fun trying to fix it in this heat, even then, it was only temporary
  17. Pennywise

    Free Beer

    Where is that place?
  18. Pennywise

    Storing Kit Tins

    Yes it's fine to store kits in the fridge, but not really necessary IMO. Mine live in the pantry.