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  1. Pennywise

    Kegs Expire?

    I've just tapped a stout that's been in the keg for four months, at room temp. It's bloody beautiful. If your sanitation is up to scratch I'd say it's beer style dependent
  2. Pennywise

    Late Hopping Advice

    I'd go the EKG from that list. I've used a fair whack of Styrian Goldings with the EB kit and loved it, from memory it's what is used in the kit anyway, but all kits need more hops anyway IMO
  3. Pennywise

    What are you listening to

    On to the third Slayer album for the day, and got 2 more in the player to go. F**k I love Slayer. Though since seeing the Angel Of death cover on Youtube all I get is hey Johnny Depp now :(
  4. Pennywise

    Qldkev 3v Brew Day Number 3

    Nice one, I'm so jealous of that cone formation.
  5. Pennywise

    Where Are You

    The link is in Amber Fluid's sig
  6. Pennywise

    Whats In The Glass (commercial)

    White Shield IPA is a damn fine beer
  7. Pennywise

    No Topic Thread

    :lol: Dave mate, you ain't seen **** till you seen my one spot a banana. I'm talking full ******* screams pointing to the fruit bowl, "NNNNAAANNNNNAAAAA". Break of half a one and by the time you've put it down he's behind you screaming for more NNNNAAANNNNA. Kid'll eat the **** out of 1kg box of...
  8. Pennywise

    Whats In The Glass (commercial)

    It was a good suggestion from Chris @ Slowbeer, they were out of what I did originally order so this was recommended. And yeah, the first thing i though was "I'm doing this for her health" :lol: If she's lucky she'll still have the choc oatmeal stout in the fridge in a few weeks :unsure:
  9. Pennywise

    Whats In The Glass (commercial)

    This is the best imperial stout I've had. Very roasty, good firm bitterness and nice warm alcohol. My missus is gonna kill me cause I bought this for her, but she's on an alcohol free month and a detox diet so ummm, yeah, I'm drinking it
  10. Pennywise

    No Topic Thread

    That's a pretty umm, healthy child :lol: My 2yo weighs as much as my 4yo, guess which ones the eater. My 2yo also wears clothes my 4yo only grew out of 6 months ago :blink:
  11. Pennywise

    Aussie Made Durable Hydrometers And Carboys

    We need (IMO) a hydrometer with etchings of the SG scale on one side & Plato on the other. Why they use paper with a poofteenth of glue to stick it on the inside is beyond me.
  12. Pennywise

    Afl Supercoach 2012

    In the first post Kleiny 515057 bigandhairy, Jayse & yourself need to get in to gear :lol: Only 8 days till clobberin' time
  13. Pennywise

    Cold Conditioning And Weizen - Probably A Stupid Question...

    Ferment temp will depend on what you want from the yeast, more banana esters, 21-22, less banana and more noticable clove esters, a bit cooler 18c. I personally like it at 20c. I also wouldn't bothe CC'ing. The thing I love about this yeast is as soon as the beer is carbed, it's ready to drink...
  14. Pennywise

    Stainless Herms Coil Released

    Our head office is in Bibra lake and we'd be lucky to recieve goods in 4 days from them using standard post. Even express can take (max) 2 days
  15. Pennywise

    Liquid Vs Dry Malt Extract

    Briess do a few different types of dme. I find that with the Briess dme you don't need to add dextrose to get a decent FG, as opposed to the Bintani one where FG's are usually highish (1.014)
  16. Pennywise

    Cleaning Keg Dip Tubes?

    After a soak in Sod Perc I run 2 lots of boiling water through it. Empty Perc, boil kettle and put in keg, shake the **** out of it then hook a QD up (nothing attatched to the QD) and let the pressure from the boiling water push up the dip tube. I've only ever removed the dip tube once, in about...
  17. Pennywise

    Go Havles With In Bags Of Grain And Hops Etc ?

    I'd possibly be in for some hops, depending on what's available. Who were you thinking of getting the hops from?
  18. Pennywise

    Neutral Bitterness And Perception

    I agree, that chart is not the best for calculating balance unless we know what FG they are running with
  19. Pennywise

    Whats In The Glass (commercial)

    After a brew day that went pretty damn well I treated myself to this little number Extremely well put together IMO
  20. Pennywise

    What Are You Brewing III

    I did but I only found a few threads and thought I'd ask for more info :P :rolleyes: :lol: