Had one of these last week, best IIPA I've had to date. And I've my fair share :icon_drool2: Didn't think I'd come across a better IPA than Moylans Hopsickle so soon
Just thrown this in the fermenter for a 22L batch
mashed at 67c
4.25kg simpsons mo
500g flaked barley
250g brown malt
250g pale choc malt
250g roast barley
magnaum to 41 ibu @ 60 mins
fermenting with wyeast 1098 @ 19c
OG was supposed to be 1.049 but I hit 1.046
I wish I had a tape deck. I have heaps of albums on cassette that I dont need to buy again on cd, haven't had a car with a tape deck in it for a few years
Lol, Im one of them bum. Well, Im not forced to burn CD's for the car. But I prefer to as CD's, in my experience, tend to get pretty well scratched while in the car. And I don't have a USB port on the deck
Buying direct you'd hope to get fresher tins, from memory the expiry date is something like 12 months +, even when I buy kits from BigW the expiry is a decent time away. Same should go with the extract cans
Seems odd to me that it's still practically flat after a week at 70kpa, I carb at that pressure and it's done in 4-5 days, just my 2c. Never done the Ross method but it's what I'd try at this stage