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Australia & New Zealand Homebrewing Forum

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  1. Pennywise

    What is your best thread eva?

    Yasmani lol, forgot about that bloke. We have a tie for second
  2. Pennywise

    What is your best thread eva?

    Chinese hop threads for sure, some pure gold in there, anything speedy a close second...
  3. Pennywise

    Why should I remove Lables

    :icon_offtopic: those bottles are a little thin for re-use, speaking from experience
  4. Pennywise

    Simple Pimping Kit tins

    Hold on to the kit yeasts and use several packs in the Dark Ale or Stout kits :)
  5. Pennywise

    Hey everyone, tried to homebrew before without success

    hang around here long enough and to the dark side you will succumb lol. Onya for havin another go :super:
  6. Pennywise

    Maltings Tour at Barrett Burston

    I like the way you think Yob B)
  7. Pennywise

    Maltings Tour at Barrett Burston

    If this was on a weekend I'd be all over this like a fat kid on a cupcake :(
  8. Pennywise

    The Worst Beer I've Ever Tasted

    There have been too many "worst beers" for me to recall 99% of them...
  9. Pennywise

    50L S/S Kegs For Sale

    Local market guy would have supplied certs for sure ;)
  10. Pennywise

    mylar zip loc bags for hop storage

    I've not had one of those bags that are completely airtight. I'd go with a vac sealer
  11. Pennywise

    Dans, The craft beer experts..NOT

    Your problem started after you said no Truman, should have stopped there lol
  12. Pennywise

    Brews Lacking Body

    Nice, thanks manticle :)
  13. Pennywise

    Brews Lacking Body

    I'm curious about why the Pils malt would have any less body mashed at the same temp as Ale malt especially because I use both and havent noticed it. regarding the issue, something to think about is the carbonation. Over carbed beer to me also feels thinner, but also lends a somewhat acidic...
  14. Pennywise

    Fiji beer

    My experience in Fiji was, get used to crap beer and good times. I was drinking Fiji gold or Vonu, steer clear of the Fiji Bitter... Yes it can get worse than the Gold lol
  15. Pennywise

    Good Craftbeer in Melbourne!

    Cookies has some good beer as well, and food to match. I've not ben there for a few months but I doubt things have changed
  16. Pennywise

    Subbing 60min Challenger hops for Pacific Gem

    What amounts do you usually use for late additions DrS? I've been using 1g/L at flameout and finding it a little much for me, maybe I'm over doing it.... Edit: sorry for slight OT
  17. Pennywise

    Subbing 60min Challenger hops for Pacific Gem

    Imo the amount of PG you'd be using you wouldn't even notice it, well, I wouldn't anyway. I (most of the time) sub 60 min additions for higher alhp hops. Works a treat
  18. Pennywise

    Ballarat Beer Festival - 2013

    lmao, no. But thanks for the image
  19. Pennywise

    Ballarat Beer Festival - 2013

    Did anyone see the dude with the umbrella hat? What a bloody clever idea
  20. Pennywise

    Ballarat Beer Festival - 2013

    Yep I agree, what a great day. The kids loved it as well with the animals, jumping castle and face painting. They were to chicken to go on the train ride by themselves lol. Some bloody good beers to be had there as well, my only regret was missing the Kooinda IPA, I did try the Saison though...