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Australia & New Zealand Homebrewing Forum

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  1. Pennywise

    No Topic Thread

    My sleeve is getting done soon, can't wait for the pain
  2. Pennywise

    Higher Level Reference Books Suggestions Please.

    Designing great beers and brewing classic styles are really good intermediate books. They both give good info and also give you recipes. All the recipes bar one out of bcs (that I've done) have come up real good, and that one was my fault... Edit: clarification
  3. Pennywise

    8 Wired Hopwired

    Haven't had a dissapointing beer from these guys yet.
  4. Pennywise

    S-189 lager yeasts at Ale temps

    I've brewed with s-189 at 19c and the beer was as far from fruity as an RIS is from being straw colored. Was it perfectly flawless? No, it did have a barely noticeable diacetyl issue (I don't like diacetyl so for me it's an issue). It wasn't with a fwk though
  5. Pennywise

    No Topic Thread

    Congrats fish13
  6. Pennywise

    Yeast Strain Swap Thread

    I have (all Wyeast), 1056, 1272, 3068, 2112, 1968, 1007, 1768, 3787, 1469. Some in smack packs and some in vials under distilled water. Various ages up to 12 months so some would need to be built up. I've not got much I want ATM but happy to swap for a beer I guess, or I guess I wouldn't mind...
  7. Pennywise

    No Topic Thread

    Love him or hate him, or just meh about him, Rudd kinda gave a big **** you today from the bits I saw. Me I don't care much for politics so it was just fun
  8. Pennywise

    Two Extract Brews With F.g. 1.018?

    I've found that the Briess dry extract gives me a fairly lower FG than other extracts (Coopers & Bintani are ones I've used), usually below 1.010 or bang on. Sometimes as low as 1006, if there's any sugar in the recipe replacing a small potion of it.
  9. Pennywise

    No Topic Thread

    Vroom vroom, wriiiiirp iiiiirrrrrrxccc Internet burn outs are fun
  10. Pennywise

    Free Craft Glasses At Bws!

    I think the glasses look pretty good...
  11. Pennywise

    Odd Things In Bags Of Grains

    Had a rock in sme once, put a dint in the rollers on the old Marga
  12. Pennywise

    Whats In The Glass (commercial)

    Tried this a few times now, pretty sure I'm just not a big Pilsner fan
  13. Pennywise

    Old Cracked Grain

    A few weeks, yeah, no worries, stored right. A few years, forget it. Spend the few $$ a make better beer
  14. Pennywise

    Whats In The Glass (commercial)

    Very nice beer that was waiting for me when I got home from work. I just love Pommy Ales, wish I could brew em' half as good as this
  15. Pennywise

    Recipe Critique

    Never used, or even heard of Brewzor. But 1.060 is not right for those ingredients. I'd be expecting 1.043-1.045. Maybe you had a bit of unmixed wort in the tap? I usually discard half a tube woth after mixing like hell, then take a reading
  16. Pennywise

    What are you listening to

    Nice WB Got some George Benson going ATM
  17. Pennywise

    Getting 50+ Ibu Into A Batch From A Partial Boil

    That's because the gravity is the same. If you boil full volume with all the fermentables it's the same as boiling half the fermentables in half the volume, IBU wise. Boiling half volume with half the ferm's will give you better isomerization than boiling half the volume with all the ferm's. No...
  18. Pennywise

    Getting 50+ Ibu Into A Batch From A Partial Boil

    If you are adding lme/dme after the boil the you can click on that ingredient in the recipe and check "add after boil". Also adjust your boil to what it is and use the top up water in fermenter bit. BS will work out the correct IBU based on what you tell it you are doing. When I do extract beers...