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Australia & New Zealand Homebrewing Forum

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  1. Screwtop

    Which yeast for stout?

    Mee Three!!!!!!!!!!!!! Screwy
  2. Screwtop

    Show us your brewrig

    Belonged to a fellow AHB'er from Brisbane. He had it made it's 82 L. Screwy
  3. Screwtop

    Show us your brewrig

    Been a while so here's the latest, just about to upgrade again.
  4. Screwtop

    Recipedb - Screwy's Choc Treacle Stout

    Try it out. The Treacle is not there so much for flavour but as an adjunct to add gravity without increasing FG. My kettle has a thin base and provides a little caramelisation over a 90 min boil anyway. To better provide what judges were looking for you could remove 2 litres once all...
  5. Screwtop

    Danstar Nottingham issue

    My 2c worth: Adding that much yeast to 1L of wort, it has probably gone bang and fermnted that sucker out in a couple of hours. No need for it to reproduce with such a huge pitch. Take a gravity reading of your starter, it's probably at terminal gravity and finished. Product Datasheet...
  6. Screwtop

    Recipedb - Screwy's Choc Treacle Stout

    Time to brew this again to age for winter. Screwy
  7. Screwtop

    Cleaning plate chiller

    Sodium Percarbonate breaks down organic material, it is a "Cleaner" and should be used after use then the item should be put away to dry ready for next use. Sanitiser, preferably a no rinse such as Starsan or similar should be used prior to use. After use fill your plate chiller with a hot...
  8. Screwtop

    Off smell and taste

    No surprise, ditch US-05, brew the same beer again using M44 and post results. Cheers, Screwy
  9. Screwtop

    High SG

    On Oldie But A Goodie.................................. What are you using to measuring the gravity and what was the temp of wort at the time. Screwy
  10. Screwtop


    Here. Screwy
  11. Screwtop

    US-05: Anyone else having issues recently?

    M44 even better! Always only use fresh yeast for best results, lots of negative posts relate to old yeast issues more than bad yeast. Screwy
  12. Screwtop

    US-05: Anyone else having issues recently?

    Gave up using this yeast 6 months ago! Screwy
  13. Screwtop


    Boring and lacking dimension!
  14. Screwtop

    Recommended Mill Setting

    Same here for 9 years set at 40 thou (0.04 inches) or 1.016mm Honestly there's way,way more important brewing **** than mill gap................... Screwy
  15. Screwtop

    Speed control electric drill

    I use a 240V drill and 300mm Moss Adjusta-Ties. Bought mine from Bunnings, couls only find these 180mm ones online Screwy
  16. Screwtop

    I think I'm Going to Stop Trying to Reculture Yeast

    Went through the whole yeast bank/reculturing/washing/splitting/everything many years ago and agree with FB and others. Have tasted many beers over the years from other brewers with "that yeast issue taste". When you ask what yeast they have used the reply is always the same - something other...
  17. Screwtop

    Looking to buy a motorcycle

    Loud = safe Tony :lol:
  18. Screwtop

    Looking to buy a motorcycle

    **** you'd look good on a Harley Browndog!