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Australia & New Zealand Homebrewing Forum

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  1. Screwtop

    Tips for improving a wheat beer

    Then you would have a Hopfen Weisse Kind of!!! But you're using 3068 yes?? I agree Listen to him!!!!!!!!!!! Screwy
  2. Screwtop

    Tips for improving a wheat beer

    For a big Bavarian Style Weissbier you grainbill and single infusion is fine, 16 IBU's from one 60 min addition. A single FRESH pack of 3068 and ferment at 22C for that nice banana and slight bubblegum ester. German Beer Regions German beer making has taken different paths in different parts...
  3. Screwtop

    high OG high FG?

    Extract is slightly less fermentable so you should expect somewhat less attenuation than quoted by the manufacturer as the quoted figure would be achievable in perfect conditions. Conventional pitching rate is 1. For Ales 750000 cells per ml of wort per degree plato. 2. For Lagers 1500000...
  4. Screwtop

    Dedicated Herms Guide, Problems And Solution Thread

    As Yob says the place to measure is at the hottest point in the closed system. HEX Wort out is that point, wort temp will not be higher anywhere else in the system. No point measuring in the Mash Tun if the wort temp is going to be higher somewhere else in the system. After you have been...
  5. Screwtop

    Roasted Wheat

    Great in Porters. An old recipe from a good source. Screwy Recipe: JS Porter Clone Recipe Specifications -------------------------- Volume: 24 l Brewhouse Efficiency: 75.00 % Boil Time: 90 Minutes 4.460 kg Pale Malt 94.1 % 0.160 kg Chocolate...
  6. Screwtop

    Timber Signs For Your Bar

    Haha, I bet he has one somewhere Les. Simply tell Ian what you want on the sign and what type of timber (board or slab) and he will quote. My Inspectors Pocket Bar sign in the size I wanted cost $35 Screwy
  7. Screwtop

    Timber Signs For Your Bar

    Have a look at these fantastic timber Bar Signs, made to order from just $25 Phone Ian on 54831361 or 0431685069 made in Gympie QLD Screwy
  8. Screwtop

    TV show looking for extract brewers

    I'm putting my hand up cos I remove 4 L pre boil and reduce it down to 400ml then add it back to the kettle for extra caramelisation in my UK bitters. Surely that covers both All Grain and Extract Brewing :) :super: Screwy
  9. Screwtop

    Yeast starter

    Anyone know of any craft brewery using yeast nutrient? Screwy
  10. Screwtop

    Where in Geelong

    A mate is in Geelong atm, told him on the phone I would check AHB for the best Craft Beer Venue's. Let me know asap so I can text him! Cheers, Screwy
  11. Screwtop

    Yeast starter

    Then that would be pitching yeast. Not a starter! Remember yeast cells bud/multiply depending upon how much food/sugar and oxygen is available to the cell walls (cell walls take in sugar so the more cells per ml of wort = less budding) So.... pitching a vial (if fresh 100 billion cells) of...
  12. Screwtop

    FS: wine barrels

    Has anyone heard from Kirk (kirem) recently, changed phones and lost his number ???? Screwy
  13. Screwtop

    Beer Labels And Logos

    The latest brewery label, need some beer labels next. Design thanks to local Aaron Lodder Design.
  14. Screwtop

    DIPA-mashed too high, high FG, what to do?

    Sure it was dextrose not Dextrin, 10% of Munich malt would up the FG a little plus your 69° Rest. I would expect a 1.082 beer fermented using 05 to finish around 1.016 so you're only a few points high. No mention of IBU's but you say it is reasonably bitter. Remember, beer should be well...
  15. Screwtop

    Prancing Pony Black Ale - Recipe Help

    To my way of thinking This would tend to indicate the use of Caraffa Special II or III for colour. Maybe replace your Roast Barley with Caraffa III. Cheers, Screwy
  16. Screwtop

    Cell count us-05

    Mr Malty indicates 2.5pk or fresh yeast. Try it using the mfg date of your yeast Screwy
  17. Screwtop

    Hello to all here

    Thanks manticle, I slipped up there, very very important to remember to correct refractometer readings once fermentation begins. Screwy
  18. Screwtop

    Birthday Drinks

    Cheers Merc, all the very best! Screwy