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  1. Mk V Controlbox first use

    Mk V Controlbox first use

  2. Mk V First use

    Mk V First use

  3. Screwtop

    My brew controller box

    Previous control box was plastic. Like the strength and that the door is hinged and can be opened using a key. Screwy
  4. Screwtop

    My brew controller box

    The new PID controlled brewery made life easy today. Mowed the lawn and did some gardening while the system made 50L of IPA. So easy just turn up after mash out!!! Thanks to QldKev for helping me get my head around programming the SYL-2352P.
  5. Screwtop

    My brew controller box

    Cheers Yobbie! 82L stainless, originally fabricated for another brewer who upgraded and NASA Burner. Thinish bottom results in slightly darker colour than predicted. Screwy
  6. Screwtop

    My brew controller box

    Done, a few programming issues to tidy up. V5 build and install complete.
  7. Mk V Brewery

    Mk V Brewery

  8. Control box wiring finished

    Control box wiring finished

  9. Control box inside wiring finished

    Control box inside wiring finished

  10. Control Box front panel finished

    Control Box front panel finished

  11. Screwtop

    Sunshine Coast Brewers

    Sunshine Coast Brewery PINT'S & PIZZA Friday, January 17 at 4:00pm 13 Endeavour Drive, Kunda Park, 4556 PH 5476 6666 Transport is available to and from the venue, live music, beer tastings, wood fired pizza's & a heap of fun. Drop this event in your diary now! Gympie Amateur Brewers are...
  12. Screwtop

    Bulk priming a keg?

    It's easy using an adjustable pressure relief valve Truman. Cheap from gas places think mine cost $18. After priming with whatever (sugar, dex, malt extract, wort) hook up a line from the gas post of your keg with the relief valve (use your gas bottle to set relief pressure) set at 110Kpa with...
  13. Mk V Control Box Front Panel unfinished

    Mk V Control Box Front Panel unfinished

    PID's, Indicator Led's, Switches mounted on the facia panel.
  14. Brewery Mk V

    Brewery Mk V

    Updated control box, PID control of HLT and HEX. PID's, Indicator Led's, Switches mounted on the facia panel. Panel mount sensor connectors and cooling fan fitted through the sides of the box. DIN rails, circuit breakers, heat sinks, SSR's and terminal strip mounted on the backing plate.
  15. Mk V Control Box part way through build

    Mk V Control Box part way through build

    Panel mount sensor connectors and cooling fan fitted through the sides of the box. DIN rails, circuit breakers, heat sinks, SSR's and terminal strip mounted on the backing plate.
  16. Screwtop

    Perlick Tap Maintainence

    Mee threee Screwy PS: I 12 months have not had a problem with my 545PC faucets leaking and no seals replaced. My kegerator is used commercially a number of times a year, so they get a workout. Must get some of those fly bung thingies off Martin
  17. Screwtop

    Beer tomb found.

    Howard was also a brewer and we descendants understand his passion for craft brewing and continue to promote the cause to this day. Screwy
  18. Screwtop

    My brew controller box

    Continued today until the 39° heat got too much for me in the shed/brewery. Mounted the DIN rails, breakers, heat sinks, SSR's, panel mount connectors for the RTD sensors, cooling fan and power in cable.
  19. Screwtop

    My brew controller box

    Thanks Truman, Did some more work on the control box this morning, installed the DIN rails, Breakers, Heat Sinks and SSR's and welded the mounting post to the brew rig. The control box will swing inside the footprint of the brewrig for storage. Pretty much given up on the idea of step alarms...
  20. Screwtop

    My brew controller box

    Finally, began the Ver.5 build of my brewery control box today. Most of the front panel complete, only a switch and alarm to mount when they arrive. Now to install the cooling fan, DIN rails, circuit breakers, timer, SSR's and heat sinks then wire it all up. Screwy