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  1. Gar

    No Topic Thread

    What the hell? What happened man?
  2. Gar

    Whirlpool Process

    I get quite a nice cone in my 40L Birko with exposed element... When no chilling, I let it settle for 10 minutes or so with the lid off, then whirlpool fast as I can with my mash paddle, put the lid on and leave sit for 15 minutes or so. I use a 90' elbow with a 3/8" hose barb for a pickup...
  3. Gar

    Stainless Herms Coil Released

    Isn't it funny how your attitude to kitchen shops changes once you start brewing :lol:
  4. Gar

    I'm Assuming, Yes, But Is This An Infection?

    Two practices I'd change for future brews: Don't drop your hydrometer directly into the brew, fit a tap and use a hydrometer tube (try to remember to loosen the lid before opening the tap too)... Don't bother with the hopsock, if you dump your hops straight in after primary and then cold crash...
  5. Gar

    Measuring Post-boil Efficiency

    I'm with Tonesbrew as well, brewhouse efficiency measured in the fermenter. I only use efficiency numbers for my records, it's pointless giving someone a recipe based on my urn's deadspace or my whirlpool technique / lack there-of.... Recipe DB's I use 70% though.
  6. Gar

    Fs Melb 1200 Litre 2 Door Skope Fridge

    :icon_drool2: That's gonna make someone a happy little brewer!
  7. Gar

    Infection Photo Thread

    Looks exactly like the bottom of the Rye IPA I bottled last night... Mine was having little volcanic eruptions too which was kinda cool...
  8. Gar

    What Are You Brewing III

    Brewing this tomorrow, Lightly hopped Pale Ale of sorts God knows what it'll be like :P Batch Size - 28L OG - 1.049 - FG Est - 1.010 IBU's - 29 (beersmith) will come out higher as no-chilling Mashed @ 65' - 1 hour 48% Marris Otter 48% BB Wheat Malt 4% Pale Crystal 10g Chinook - First Wort...
  9. Gar

    Brisbane Ahb Pub Crawl

    Have fun you lot and try not to end up on the news :lol:
  10. Gar

    Chiller Idea

    Mines about 26' I can't get to pitching temps on an immersion chiller alone, I have to fridge it or frozen milk bottle it. I think I'll eventually get one of those little pumps off the Nevmeister and pump ice water though the chiller after the bore water
  11. Gar

    No Topic Thread

  12. Gar

    No Topic Thread

    Bugger, was gonna tell you to send them my way :D :icon_drool2:
  13. Gar

    Stainless Herms Coil Released

    That's purrrrrty..... stainless is addictive I reckon :P Cheers for the ciders too KBB, just hit the spot after that camper-van job
  14. Gar

    Comment by 'Gar' in media 'photo.JPG'

    ooooh she's pretty too :icon_drool2:
  15. Gar

    A Newby

    ooohh that is sexy :icon_chickcheers:
  16. Gar

    Using The Hot Tap For Mash Water

    Very interesting thread, I've never really thought about it to be honest, I've always used the hot water to save time but looking back I have noticed that my hot water takes a little time to "settle" in a glass. I think I'll be grabbing a timed power supply when I get the chance....
  17. Gar

    Biltong Beer

    Geronimo Jerky :icon_drool2: ;)
  18. Gar

    Qabc 2011 Results

    Cheers Bribie :icon_cheers:
  19. Gar

    Qabc 2011 Results

    Sorry if this has been answered but I can't find the info.... are the entries to these comps to be submitted to Craftbrewer?
  20. Gar

    RecipeDB - Better Red Than Dead

    It's a great beer isn't it, I've still got a couple of bottles left from august and its aging beautifully. 10,000% better than Killkenny