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Australia & New Zealand Homebrewing Forum

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  1. H

    [vic] Grain Bulk Buy

    Hi. Guys. If needed, is there any chance of someone close to East Bentleigh picking up and storing a bag or 2 of grain for me? Being from Albury, it is quite hard for me to get down there to get it. I have a brother inlaw who could pick it up for me, but unfortunately, he is planning to be up...
  2. H

    Any Ag Brewers In Albury/wodonga Area?

    Hey Guys. Are you all sill looking for people who do all grain? I am about to travel the AG path. I know this post is a little old, but hope to catch up anyway! Cheers, Matt.
  3. H

    How To Purge Fermeter With Co2 If A Bottler?

    I have one of the old sccool soda stream systems which I was planning to use to charge a "garden sprayer" party keg as well as purging a secondary. I guess you could pick one of thos up at a garage sale, or E-bay for a few bucks. I think a new one is around $60 on special.
  4. H

    Introduce Yourself.

    Hi All. Matt from Albury/Wodonga. Only been Brewing for 2 months, have banged out a few quick brews for the Chrissy/New Years rush to see if I have all my processes right before I start getting serious about it. So far: #1 Australian Pale Ale #2 Unreal Ale #3 LawnMower Lager #4...
  5. H

    Homebrew Ingredients (ag)

    G'day. Keen on Grains and bottles if no one else takes Them. Cheers