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Australia & New Zealand Homebrewing Forum

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  1. Steve@PMF82

    A-z Of Beer

    Vanguard Hops Characteristics Vanguard is a US hop variety that came about in 1982 with breeding between a Hallertau mother and unnamed father. Like its parentage, Vanguard is somewhat noble and mild in aroma. At an average of 5.5 to 6% AA, Vanguard is great as an aroma addition in any German...
  2. Steve@PMF82

    A-z Of Beer

    Grain bag
  3. Steve@PMF82

    S-23 2 Packs Or 1 And A Starter?

    Sorry have to disagree with you there. It is not a "starter" its farming some yeast for slurry. Chilling 10L in a pot in the sink is very easy, put pot in sink, fill with cold water leave it for half an hour, done. This is not my method of choice as i dont use dry yeast, it was an easy...
  4. Steve@PMF82

    Drying Out Your Beer.

    Pretty sure Dave is referring to Maltose syrup as talked about in this thread. Its different to malt extract
  5. Steve@PMF82

    Drying Out Your Beer.

    Next time try a step mash. temp/time 55/5 62-63/10 67-68/45 72/10 mash out Only way to do a Belgian IMO
  6. Steve@PMF82

    This Any Good For Fermenting Fridge

    That very bottom shelf above the bin looks like it will have cooling lines in it. Otherwise looks nice.
  7. Steve@PMF82

    S-23 2 Packs Or 1 And A Starter?

    There seems to be more and more of these threads lately, there was one last night and wolfy gave a big helpful spiel on the same subject. As others have said you will need a lot more than one packet if you want to pitch cold. A good cheat instead of stuffing around with starters and possibly...
  8. Steve@PMF82

    You Know You're A Dedicated Homebrewer When...

    When you sleep with a box of (12) bottles for a week to ensure carbonation.
  9. Steve@PMF82

    A Build Up Of Something Inside My Keg

    less than a cap of napisan and a kettle of boiling water into every keg after its empty, put the lid on shake it all around for a few minutes, then use the pressure built up to clean the beer/out line and the in/co2. Clean and shiny, smells clean too. I have had what RVJ says below as well...
  10. Steve@PMF82

    Brewbrite, Who Uses It And How Do U Use It?

    I follow directions on packet that says 4g / 23L. Re hydrate in a small amount of tepid water prior to use. I was adding it at 10mins, changed to FO last 2 brews and it seems to work just as well. I am quite happy with its performance for sure, no messing around on the cold side needed, just 5 -...
  11. Steve@PMF82

    Double Batch Sparge

    Well im confused about process names now, not that it really matters that much in my situation as im only small scale but interesting to know how others are doing it. Only 15L mash tun here, after mash out infusion im at full capacity, i drain about half the liquor then add the rest of my water...
  12. Steve@PMF82

    American Amber Ale Recipe

    Looks interesting! With all the Munich, amber and toasted oats your going to have some serious toasty, biscuity flavours going. But i find JW ale pretty flavourless so it will prob work out and you have a nice dash of crystal for some sweetness and decent bittering. I say just brew it mate...
  13. Steve@PMF82

    Free At Dans: Beer Styles Booklet

    getting slightly :icon_offtopic: When i was at murrays at manly last and had had a few...i got into a yarn with murrays daughter about poor handling of their beers from DM. She seemed quite aware and better informed of the situation than me. They had made their own investigating with Dans...
  14. Steve@PMF82

    Fining And Naturally Carbing Kegs

    Yeah same here when i used to use gelatine and PCVT i would move the fermenter to the table and leave it for a few hours to settle again. If i was kegging the beer i always racked from the top. I would bottle the rest from the tap, never had any problems with PCVT in the finished bottled...
  15. Steve@PMF82

    Fining And Naturally Carbing Kegs

    FOr your situation i think you would be better off with Polyclar VT and getting the beer as clear as possible before kegging. ON the day you plan to turn the temp of your fridge down thats when i would gelatine. Wait a couple of days for it to do its thing and the beer to chill completely...
  16. Steve@PMF82

    Help With Small Scale All Grain

    As others have mentioned BIAB is your cheapest and quickest option. Go to spotlight at Morwell and grab yourself a sheet of swiss voile big enough for your 15L pot and you can get cracking straight away with smaller batches or you can mash at regular water to grain ratios of around 3L / KG of...
  17. Steve@PMF82

    Broo Beer Franchises

    No body with a gram of business sense would buy into this. Even if you had no idea about beer in general and decided for some strange reason you wanted IN, your accountant should be shot if he/she let you. After reading that, my intuition would be this is a grab from a dying enterprise, they...
  18. Steve@PMF82

    Stainless Steel Grain Mills

    I hate old milk
  19. Steve@PMF82

    Stainless Steel Grain Mills

    I am guilty of this often
  20. Steve@PMF82

    Guess The Style By The Pictures?

    potof4x wins!