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Australia & New Zealand Homebrewing Forum

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  1. Steve@PMF82

    Is Us-05 A Slow Fermenter?

    If your yeast was healthy and you pitched the correct amount for the gravity and batch size you are fermenting it should be at FG after a week tops. US - 05 is fast and clean at 18deg in my experience. However i usually pitch 1g of dry yeast / L of wort for standard gravity 1045 - 1055, more...
  2. Steve@PMF82

    Fermenting In Cube - Forcing Expansion To Create Head Space

    Air locks, tubes, glad wrap all a whole lot of stuffing around that is not needed. Plain lids backed of a notch from sealing are so much easier, no mess no fuss....just saying...
  3. Steve@PMF82

    Open Lme

    Well being in Vic in cooler climate it should be fine. Better off keeping it in the fridge sealed though. Best to give it a quick boil too before use.
  4. Steve@PMF82

    Does Filtering Limit/stop Conditioning?

    Yeah i agree with the sentiment. In my case i have bottled left overs after kegging. On the rare occasion now when i deem filter necessary i will bottle the amount that wont fit in the keg prior to filtering. I have also filtered and bottled the whole lot adding a small amount of fresh yeast...
  5. Steve@PMF82

    Does Filtering Limit/stop Conditioning?

    I have bottle conditioned various beers after filtering with 1 micron absolute. Forget about them for at least 4 weeks to 8 weeks and they condition just like unfiltered bottles, all taste great, filtered ones are just very clear/bright. However when kegging, the beers seem to be quite stable...
  6. Steve@PMF82

    Vicbrew 2012

    Thanks to all involved. Looking forward to score sheets. Very happy for my first crack at comp with 5 entries A top 5, couple top 10, an 11th scoring same as 9th place and my worst was 14th which was only 1.5pt of 10th. Cheers
  7. Steve@PMF82

    What Are You Brewing III

    Why are mashing caraaroma? :P
  8. Steve@PMF82

    The Hunt For Voille - Adelaide......

    funny you say that. Out of interest i typed into the google search " swiss voile barcode" and the thread i linked came up first. Would have been quicker than me looking though my uploaded pics!
  9. Steve@PMF82

    The Hunt For Voille - Adelaide......

    Yeah it was me, i am looking through my pics now...... Here =
  10. Steve@PMF82

    Barleywine - Biab?

    Yeah i say forget about your batch size. Concentrate on the quality, If you only get a lesser amount of wort but hit your OG, who cares... Then worry about pitching shiploads of active healthy yeast so you get a good clean ferment that does not stall.
  11. Steve@PMF82

    Style Of The Week 5/12/07 - American Amber Ale

    Why would you drop the IBU if penalised for being too malt driven? If you have a complex grain bill with lots of spec you want to increase the bitterness so that it is balanced. IMO midnight i would be bittering at 50IBU for that grainbill and gravity and i would get the extra IBUs from 60min...
  12. Steve@PMF82

    Cocoa Nibs In A Porter.....anyone?

    Its not just about contaminants. The roasting process if done right will develop much of the flavour as well.
  13. Steve@PMF82

    Cocoa Nibs In A Porter.....anyone?

    All you need to know and and the various ways it can be done. I roast my own coffee so i am keen to give the cocoa roasting a go one day as well, probably add a bit off both into a porter or something.
  14. Steve@PMF82

    Kegged & Filtered Apa

    What micron filter did you use? assuming 1micron absolute it certainly wont be yeast. Did you use star san? Have read of other brewers having trouble with star san causing haze after using it to sanitise filter. I think it sounds like permanent haze. Most likely caused by excess proteins and...
  15. Steve@PMF82

    If There Was Only One ?

    Nope, but funny you say that, we may have had things such as this in common before if my memory serves me correct?
  16. Steve@PMF82

    If There Was Only One ?

    WY 1272 - great all round yeast, works well for many styles. Golden Promise - such a good all-rounder, very versatile. Caramunich 2 - Just love the flavour and colour this adds can be used in varied quantities for different styles. Styrian Goldings - Has many great attributes depending how it...
  17. Steve@PMF82

    Funking Up A Cider

    I have this bookmarked from a while ago, culturing different wild yeasts from the skins of different apples. Have never got around to doing it, but it is something I would like to do one day.
  18. Steve@PMF82

    Ag Mid Strength/light Beers

    Dont know your location, but if you want some inspiration for a cracking hoppy light beer @ 2.8% Murrays at Manly has Retro Rocket Ale on tap and it is a stunning example of what a low alcohol beer can be. Has the body/malt profile of a beer twice its size and hop aroma and flavour more than...