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Australia & New Zealand Homebrewing Forum

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  1. P

    Extract Recipe Feedback - Balter XPA Style

    For anyone interested, I ended up brewing this - slight variations on my original post (full recipe details here) and it's fantastic. Pretty damn close to the original Balter XPA
  2. P

    Another home brew twang/sweetness question

    Thought I'd post one final update on this for anyone who comes across this in the future; I brewed a Country Brewer "Wetpak" American Pale ale which requires a partial boil and steeping of specialty grains - and fermented without any real temperature control - the results were much much better...
  3. P

    Extract Recipe Feedback - Balter XPA Style

    Hi Guys, Looking at doing my first unhopped extract recipe soon and thinking of trying a Balter XPA style clone Found this recipe here - which I'm using as a base/starting point but was thinking of changing a couple of things based on what is more...
  4. P

    Another home brew twang/sweetness question

    Here's an update for you guys playing along at home; It's been 2 weeks today since bottling. I tried one a week ago (ie. 1 week after bottling) and it was sickly sweet - barely carbed. I suspect that where I stored the bottles was too cool (around 15 degrees c) so the carbonation drops had...
  5. P

    Another home brew twang/sweetness question

    I have also read a fair amount of stuff about people eliminating the twang by going to unhopped liquid or dry extract - I'll be looking further into this option if the currently brewing batch still contains the twang
  6. P

    Another home brew twang/sweetness question

    agree that (at least in my case), the issue isn't related to the type of yeast being used. I also think there are multiple causes for this sort of thing happening - in my case I suspect it (for now) to be oxidation, by introducing oxygen when removing the krausen collar from the fermenter. Will...
  7. P

    Another home brew twang/sweetness question

    I guess that's the problem with broad terms like "twang" - very subjective. Once I open one of these beers to try when bottle conditioning is done, I'll try and be a bit more descriptive of the flavour I'm talking about (assuming it's still got it). From memory, the general bitterness you...
  8. P

    Another home brew twang/sweetness question

    I was planning on working my way up to this sort of stuff - thinking if i could get at least get a basic brew extract right I could move up to all grain or partial grain. I just put down a Stone & Wood Pacific Ale style clone this weekend with some steeped wheat - using a tin of pale ale extract...
  9. P

    Another home brew twang/sweetness question

    agreed - will definitely see how it tastes once it's done conditioning in the bottle. The expected FV according to the extract tub was 1012-1010 - actual FV was 1010 (may have even been 1009) - hopefully there wasn't something else contributing!
  10. P

    Another home brew twang/sweetness question

    Thanks for your reply Mark - agree it could be an infection but I’ve bottled it now so will see what it’s like in a couple of weeks. Going to put another brew in hopefully this weekend, different recipe but will be sure not to open the fv at all during this one to see if it makes any...
  11. P

    Another home brew twang/sweetness question

    Hi Guys, Long time lurker - first time poster. Let me preface this thread by saying that I've researched countless forums and posts on this information, but obviously have a few questions related to my specific situation. I realise this will be a bit long winded but I think we all know detail...