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  1. oscarman

    First AG BIAB done, pictures, recipe and woes inside.

    This definitely isn't cause for concern? And don't worry, i peered through the lid to get these shots very quickly.
  2. oscarman

    First AG BIAB done, pictures, recipe and woes inside.

    Anyone got any ideas about the krausen issue?
  3. oscarman

    First AG BIAB done, pictures, recipe and woes inside.

    So fermentation seems to be happening but there is no krausen... There has been a tiny bit of action, because there is a small mark around the top of the beer, i think maybe some oxygen is leaking through the lid, definitely going to buy a better fermenter anyway, could this be it? Anyone know...
  4. oscarman

    6 dollar pints of craft beer in melbourne?

    It's 6 dollar pints on wednesday nights.
  5. oscarman

    6 dollar pints of craft beer in melbourne?

    Mayyyybe... :P let's just say I might 'buy' a drink for someone who says they are a homebrewer tonight. Or any nihght for that matter.
  6. oscarman

    6 dollar pints of craft beer in melbourne?

    Econ, they do cocktails but it is mainly a beer bar. They do have a good spirits list though, and the bartenders are always up for a challenge.
  7. oscarman

    6 dollar pints of craft beer in melbourne?

    Mate, doon, I know, but lately is has been quite quiet, even on wednesdays! My gf works here, so I get all the goss.
  8. oscarman

    6 dollar pints of craft beer in melbourne?

    So I'm sitting at a pub, my regular pub, drinking a bridge road robust porter that I bought for 6 bucks and I'm wondering why there aren't more people here... I also just had a mornington ipa, it was delicious. Come down and have a beer! The place is Deja Vu, and on wednesdays it does 6 dollar...
  9. oscarman

    Help for a first time BIAB brewer?

    Hey guys! So i did my first AG BIAB, check out the post i made. Thanks for all your help!
  10. oscarman

    First AG BIAB done, pictures, recipe and woes inside.

    Ok so did my first AG BIAB yesterday, it went alright, though i think maybe i didn't get enough liquid out of the bag after removing from the pot because of not having a big enough bucket to drain it into. Here is how it went: Briess Pale Ale - 3.9kg Rolled oats - 560g Simpsons Choc - 337g...
  11. oscarman

    Chilling batch without wort chiller + grain to water ratio.

    Hey guys, So i'm about to do my first all grain 20 litre BIAB tomorrow with about 5.5kg of grain in my 32 litre pot, and i just remembered that i don't have a wort chiller. I'm going to be doing an ice bath, but i'm not sure whether this is a good idea, will it cause off flavours because of the...
  12. oscarman

    copper immersion chiller & hose

    Mind me asking where you are buying the copper pipe from?
  13. oscarman

    Help for a first time BIAB brewer?

    Ohhhhh, isn't that just mashing? I've been reading How to Brew and he didn't use that word, or is it a completely different thing? But yeah, i understand now. Do you do it in your kettle with BIAB, and how do you find the best way to insulate is?
  14. oscarman

    Coopers new style fermenter...

    Yeah fair call, thanks for that!
  15. oscarman

    Coopers new style fermenter...

    Hey guys, So i have the coopers new style fermenter, and i was wondering if anyone else uses it? The main issue i am having with it is that it doesn't have a traditional airlock, and so it is harder to keep track of how your beer is fermenting. It uses a sleeve system that works (at least it...
  16. oscarman

    Help for a first time BIAB brewer?

    I'm trying to understand what you do with the sack (?) rest, do you do it after mash out? Or before? Thank all of you for the help by the way! Totally going to go with AG, i mean, doing partial still requires you to mash, so why not do it all? Also i can totally make my dream clone of this bad...
  17. oscarman

    Help for a first time BIAB brewer?

    Hah! I just posted that too.
  18. oscarman

    Help for a first time BIAB brewer?

    I will chill it, i'm actually thinking about enquiring about some copper tubing from to make a wort chiller, but if i can't afford it i will just go bath with ice. Also, what is the mashout? I could probably just sit the bag in the pot so it doesn't touch the...