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  1. jbowers

    RecipeDB - 10 Min IPA

    Duly noted. I was making Phillip's 10 minute IPA, not Homebrew Chef's Amarillo Pale Ale though. I might try it with that beefed up grain bill next time, though. edit: I think all this confusion comes from misunderstanding who 'he' means. I meant Phillip, and I think you meant Homebrew Chef.
  2. jbowers

    Filtering - The Real Cost?

    You honestly can't taste the difference? I thought hopwired IPA was pretty average if you let the yeast get in to the glass. Great beer otherwise...
  3. jbowers

    RecipeDB - 10 Min IPA

    To be fair, I don't think anyone would blame me for thinking that the recipe in the recipeDB which this whole thread is constructed upon was the original recipe.....
  4. jbowers

    Filtering - The Real Cost?

    I'll be gravity filtering. Oh well, will see how it goes. Not a massive outlay if it turns out to be a waste of time.
  5. jbowers

    Filtering - The Real Cost?

    Only problem is that I cold condition in a chest freezer. I've cc'd beers for a couple of weeks in there and through lifting it out of there to where I bottle, it's got enough yeast to make the first couple of pints dirty as hell. I don't mind a cloudy beer either. Just had a glass of my IPA...
  6. jbowers

    RecipeDB - 10 Min IPA

    I'm reading the database and it's just saying pils and carapils. Either way, good beer.
  7. jbowers

    Filtering - The Real Cost?

    Maybe your cold conditioning process is better than mine, but I end up with a situation where the first few glasses of beer range from mildy enjoyable to reasonably bad. After that it's all awesome beer till the keg blows. Surely a filter wont hold more than a pints worth of wastage? Also, does...
  8. jbowers

    Filtering - The Real Cost?

    I mean a larger quantity of beer that is enjoyable to drink.
  9. jbowers

    Filtering - The Real Cost?

    Ok, so I have just bought a filter. My reasoning is primarily because once my ready-to go hoppy and wheat beers are done, I just want to get them in me. Impatient, yes. But it got me thinking. Presuming this thing actually works, am I perhaps saving myself some money? I regularly hear the same...
  10. jbowers

    Whats In The Glass

    Sounds like he is doubling his hibiscus infusion with bulk priming.
  11. jbowers

    RecipeDB - 10 Min IPA

    Did this recipe as my first AG. Probably a bad choice on that front, with just pils and carapils with this hop bill, im not tasting a whole lot of grain. Great concept though. It is 'hoppier' than any other beer I've had, to be honest. It presents the best parts of hop flavour in such a full...
  12. jbowers

    Cornie Keg Tool Kit

    Just be thankful you don't have pinlocks....
  13. jbowers

    Can You Pull These Fermenter Taps Apart To Clean?

    Cheers Cocko, that's what I was referring to.
  14. jbowers

    Can You Pull These Fermenter Taps Apart To Clean?

    Yeah, you can. Someone posted a guide somewhere. Long story short: set the tap to exactly halfway between on and off, put a wooden spoon inside the threaded end, rest the nozzle on a bench or something and bang it with a hammer or something. Should pop out reasonably easily.
  15. jbowers

    Whats In The Glass (commercial)

    Very underrated brewery overall, IMO. Haven't had a bad beer from them.
  16. jbowers Online Coopers Slabs $14.99

    Well sort of. I'm not sure how that applies to online shopping though. The store has already 'accepted' their offer through taking their money.
  17. jbowers

    Newb Kegerator Build

    No, it refers to the pressure you have coming from the CO2 vs the resistance achieved through diameter and length of the beer out line. Do some searching about balancing kegs for more specific info.
  18. jbowers

    Js 150 Lashes Pale Ale

    Not true for any beer. Especially not this beer which is really not all that hoppy.
  19. jbowers

    4 Or 5l Taylor Kegs

    Keen as mustard.
  20. jbowers

    What Do You Do For A Crust?

    Musician and part time beer shop worker.