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  1. hoppy2B

    White Foam on top of Starter

    ********, I'm not even going to read your post MHB. Scientific papers I've read state that dextrose will result in thick yeast cell walls early in the fermentation. Of course that results in better yeast health later on. I don't know what rubbish you are reading and I don't really care.
  2. hoppy2B

    Dry Hopping & Bulk Priming

    I agree that 180 grams is a fair bit. Back when I started bulk priming I was using 8 grams a litre of white sugar. 8 grams in 22 litres would be 176 grams. 8 grams a litre of white sugar will make it impossible to pour without getting at least half a glass of foam. Dextrose will give you...
  3. hoppy2B

    White Foam on top of Starter

    And I should add, some yeast nutrient wouldn't go astray.
  4. hoppy2B

    White Foam on top of Starter

    Add some dextrose to your starters and the yeast should take off faster and have thicker cell walls.
  5. hoppy2B

    Aldi specials

    I tried a Boddington's can last year and it was utter crap. Tasted like sucking on a cardboard box.
  6. hoppy2B

    Poor Attenuation

    I have 3 thermometers for brewing actually. The new electronic one that I just had to mention because I thought it was so cool, a good glass one and a small dial one. I agree that you need to cross reference your thermometers. It would be rare (if ever) that I didn't use at least 2...
  7. hoppy2B

    Poor Attenuation

    I've started using a small electronic thermometer. I think it cost me just a bit over $20. It is pretty good. It will do stuff like boiling oil, which is a lot hotter than boiling wort etc. And it is easy to read and very durable. Worth what I payed for it. :noworries:
  8. hoppy2B

    Looking for an "as belgian beers" kit

    Coopers Pale Ale Can of goop 1 kg LDME 1 kg Dextrose 150 gm Dark crystal (steep at 70 for 30 minutes) 100 Carafa 1, 2 or 3 (steep at 70 for 30 minutes) 1000 ml yeast starter taken from a bottle of Chimay (available at Dan Murphy's) or S-33 if preferred. The high gravity and high level of...
  9. hoppy2B

    Recycling Yeast Cake

    You could put it under a microscope. But then how much of the yeast slurry do you need to look at to know if it is pure? So it really comes down to your definition of "purity". It's probably not a good idea to pitch the slurry from something that has been dry hopped, especially if the dry hop...
  10. hoppy2B

    Recycling Yeast Cake

    Best practice is to take some yeast from the bottom of the fermenter and wash it, or so I'm led to believe. That should prevent any off flavours from carrying over. I even go to the trouble of washing starters sometime. I like to do it for starters made from smack packs.
  11. hoppy2B

    Kits and Fruit Juice

    Do you cook the fruit as well?
  12. hoppy2B

    Same recipe, bad head retention this time.

    You can steep the spec grains and base malt together.
  13. hoppy2B

    Ongoing Diacetyl ? off flavour

    1. Try a brew without dry hopping.
  14. hoppy2B

    Frequently Asked Questions For The New Brewer

    Nuke the site from space, it's the only way to be sure.
  15. hoppy2B

    Adding extra dextrose at day 7

    If my calculations are correct, 300 grams of maltodextrin in 19 litres will contribute 1.006 unfermentable gravity points. Which means if your final gravity is 1.020 with the maltodextrin, it would have been about 1.014 without it. That's why I said it is at least part of the problem. I was...
  16. hoppy2B

    Dry yeast foaming on rehydration

    I reckon it is normal. Tends to happen, or is more noticeable, the greater the quantity of yeast you use and the lower the ratio of water.
  17. hoppy2B

    Adding extra dextrose at day 7

    He's used a Coopers Pale Ale can as well as the other stuff listed there. Or at least that is how I understand the OP.
  18. hoppy2B


    I still have Victoria rhizomes available. Let me know if interested.
  19. hoppy2B

    Adding extra dextrose at day 7

    +1 I'd expect the final gravity to drop slightly because alcohol has a lower gravity than water. And if the dextrose is boiled up in water, the addition of the water will also reduce the final gravity. What Koshari says would be true for malt extract but not dextrose.
  20. hoppy2B

    Adding extra dextrose at day 7

    5 days is still pretty early. Get a large sanitised spoon or something similar and stir up the yeast on the bottom a few times to get it to finish off a few more points if you can. Maltodextrine is at least part of the problem. If you add dextrose, hopefully you will do a boil, also add some...