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  1. hoppy2B

    The NEIPA thread

    Wow, I'm surprised that you don't get much flavour from Victoria. Some people complain about it having off flavours described as rotten cabbage. I find the beer needs about 6 to 8 weeks of ageing to start drinking well. With the extra drying of the cones there is less of the off flavour and the...
  2. hoppy2B

    Imperial yeast rustic ?

    Hi Mongey, What temp did you ferment at, ambient or heated? MoreBeer's website says 20-27. Did it come out estery or phenolic? I'm not a fan of phenolics, I like esters though. MoreBeer also says it is equivalent to Wy3726. I have notes from a couple of years ago when I was researching, which...
  3. hoppy2B

    The NEIPA thread

    Might give them a go, they have been pretty responsive and helpful in the past. I do actually have four rhizomes about to hit their third season, but none of them are overly appropriate for the style (and i had a horrible year last year, not sure what it was but i had about half the harvest of...
  4. hoppy2B

    The NEIPA thread

    I personally don't subscribe to the idea of trying to achieve haze by adding oats and wheat to the grain bill. From what I have read, I was under the impression that oats are good for yeast health and their addition has always resulted in the clearest beers I have ever made. I think sulphates...
  5. hoppy2B

    Chimay yeast cultivation

    Yeah, no argument here. I just called it a NEIPA because I used a lot of hops late. When you think about it, the term Black IPA is a bit of a conundrum too.
  6. hoppy2B

    Chimay yeast cultivation

    The hops are full on but it has a fair amount of spec malt to balance it. And you're right, definitely can't taste the yeast character, although can see the difference between different yeasts. Chimay is a yeast you want to shine through for it own sake. I wouldn't recommend it for the average...
  7. hoppy2B

    Chimay yeast cultivation

    I haven't dry hopped for a while because I think it is a source of infection. I bottle and my beer doesn't seem to keep very well when dry hopped. If I kegged and kept the beer cold I would want to dry hop and drink the beer quickly. Probably does keep a bit better at 12 percent, and if I go...
  8. hoppy2B

    Chimay yeast cultivation

    I think you have misconstrued what I was getting at. I said to add "some" dextrose. I certainly wouldn't use straight dextrose for a starter. I always add yeast nutrient to my starters. I typically use some brown sugar + dry malt extract + dextrose. Sucrose and maltose are both double molecules...
  9. hoppy2B

    Chimay yeast cultivation

    I should mention that I cultured the yeast from a Chimay dubbel. It's so much easier to get hold of a bottle of Chimay from a Dan Murphy's for me than it is to get to the nearest home-brew store, which is a lot further away and may not even have a smack pack or vial of the right yeast...
  10. hoppy2B


    Are you sure you understand the article, or even read more than a few lines and came upon a conclusion based upon the few lines you read? You seem to have a penchant for deriding actual scientific research that is conducted under set parameters.
  11. hoppy2B

    Chimay yeast cultivation

    It started fermenting in a couple of days. I only used 1 stubby that I bought at Dan Murphy's. The starter had heaps of banana when I had a sniff. Smelled exactly like the Chimay tasted. I've cultured numerous yeast starters and I know I wouldn't get that sort of aroma from just any yeast. I...
  12. hoppy2B


    It has every relevance to brewing MHB. Whilst it is based around the production of esters on a commercial basis aside from brewing, a lot of the information is absolutely transferable. I've read stuff on wheat beer before, many by "experts" in the brewing industry including from Germany. A lot...
  13. hoppy2B

    SEEKING BANANA ESTERS? The above is an interesting scientific article on research that was conducted on various factors that affect how much of certain esters a yeast will produce under varying conditions. I would describe the article as a...
  14. hoppy2B

    Chimay yeast cultivation

    I've cultured it and found it pretty easy to get going. It seems to be the yeast that was used for primary ferment. I did a lot of searching online to try and verify if it was the primary ferment yeast and the consensus seems to be that it is. Getting a yeast to produce optimum levels of...
  15. hoppy2B

    Lalbrew New England Yeast

    It surprises me when people aren't really impressed with Wy1318. There are some online blogs about the place where people have done a side by side with Conan and said it was hard to pick one from the other. I think it's important to use a lot of hops late in the boil to get haze, because the...
  16. hoppy2B

    Lalbrew New England Yeast

    Dan Pratt, how does it compare with Wy1318? I'm a fan of the 1318. I have some starters of the 1318 going and have been wondering if I should do a split batch with the dry stuff to compare. I like the flavour of both the malt and hops when using 1318.
  17. hoppy2B

    Coopers European Lager

    Make a starter out of the yeast. You should get some idea of whether it is a true lager yeast. A lot of people on this forum will condemn you if you only pitch 7 grams into your lager! :D
  18. hoppy2B

    Vic: Hop rhizomes for sale

    I think new members need to make at least 3 posts or something like that to the forums to be able to send/receive personal messages. There may also be a bit of a time delay.
  19. hoppy2B

    Looking for Hornindal Kveik strain

    The Hornindal Kveik comes from Omega Yeast according to Mr Google. I think Beerbelly used to get Omega Yeast in, so you could message/call them and see what they have to say. The only other suggestion I can make is to order direct from Omega in the USA.
  20. hoppy2B

    Chilli seed swap

    Hi Slurp Sorry, I have only just seen your message. I have a heap of different varieties now. I'm not looking to trade as I have too many already lol. Are you still looking for Chocolate Hab?