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  1. hoppy2B

    Irish Stout stuck fermentation

    My guess, it's a small volume in something like a 19 litre pot. The Roast Barley and Chocolate wouldn't contribute much to the gravity reading. So at 1040, if it finished at 1024, more than likely Tricky Dicky has mashed at a higher temperature than he thinks he did, resulting in a less...
  2. hoppy2B

    Irish Stout stuck fermentation

    Some time ago I read on a U.S. moonshine forum that you can use as little as say 10% malt and 90% corn grits or similar. You simply need a really long mash time. Supposedly, enzymes don't become denatured as they work. As long as you stick to the enzyme's heat tolerance they can keep on working.
  3. hoppy2B

    Long time lurker...

    G'day Ted, Welcome to the forum. What type of beer do you like brewing? Cheers.
  4. hoppy2B

    Irish Stout stuck fermentation

    You might get some more attenuation if you chuck in a packet of Belle Saison yeast Tricky Dicky. Otherwise Mark's suggestion of adding some sugar to bump up the abv is the only other good idea I think any will come up with.
  5. hoppy2B

    comparison chart for Australian vs UK and US grains

    It's a lot like comparing apples and oranges. Take a handful of Caraaroma and have a smell of it and you will get a lovely sweet chocolate aroma. Do the same with some TF Dark Crystal and you get an unpleasant burnt kind of aroma that I have trouble describing. Brewing with them will also give...
  6. hoppy2B

    home grown

    If you train them up string as soon as they start growing you will get an earlier crop.
  7. hoppy2B

    comparison chart for Australian vs UK and US grains

    1 SRM = 1.3 Lovibond = 1.97 EBC
  8. hoppy2B

    comparison chart for Australian vs UK and US grains

    So I googled "convert lovibond to ebc" and hit the first link. This took me to Craft Beer and Brewing website straight to their online "Color Calculator" (US spelling). I typed 10 into the L section and it shot out 25.19 EBC and 12.79 SRM. Here is the link for the calculator...
  9. hoppy2B

    home grown

    Don't bury them too deep. So maybe wait till they get going before putting more mix on them. Visible shoots are always good. I think your main concern could be water logging due to the quantity of manure in your mix and the fact they're in pots, so just keep an eye on them.
  10. hoppy2B

    False bottom mesh

    If not you could buy a whole sheet and no doubt find parties interested in any leftover quantity, judging by the responses on here.
  11. hoppy2B

    comparison chart for Australian vs UK and US grains

    1 10 L = 25.2 EBC So, very close to 2.5 times. I have that written down in a notebook. I take notes when I find useful information. I'm not sure where I found that piece of information though.
  12. hoppy2B

    White Rabbit

    If you knock your Carafa back I would suggest knocking some of the crystal and/or Caraaroma back too. The crystal type malts would come across a lot stronger than your Carafa.
  13. hoppy2B

    2019 Hop Plantations

    If you search thoroughly some of the years gone by Hop Plantation threads, you should find lots of images of people doing a good job of growing them in pots. It's important to ensure they have enough nutrients and get plenty of water.
  14. hoppy2B

    Where to buy hop crowns or starters

    Which variety(s) did you get?
  15. hoppy2B

    'battle Of The Toucans'

    As stevonz points out, it is a precautionary measure. If you get into steeping specialty grains, you only boil the liquid after removing the grains. Check out John Palmer's free online book "How To Brew".
  16. hoppy2B

    HELP please - 72 hours in and fermentation has no signs of starting

    You should smack the Wyeast pack a couple of days before adding it to the brew. That gives it plenty of time to swell and you will have confidence pitching it.
  17. hoppy2B

    First Brew: Mangrove Jack's Blonde Lager

    Hi Jonah, You only really need to boil for an hour if you're doing a 60 minute hop addition, or brewing with all-grain light coloured malts. The last one is a bit technical to explain. You should only really need to bring your wort up to 75 degree C to pasteurize it, drop your hop pellets in...
  18. hoppy2B

    'battle Of The Toucans'

    It's going to have a higher bitterness because you are using 2 cans of extract which are both designed to have a level of bitterness from 1 can to suit the style. If you want a lower level of bitterness you will need to use 1 can of hopped extract and 1 can of unhopped extract. Rather than...
  19. hoppy2B

    A stolen idea.

    Most people wouldn't think twice about taking their supermarket purchased block of bakers yeast out of the fridge and plonking it into some sugar and water or milk, and then warming it up.
  20. hoppy2B

    A stolen idea.

    I have a packet of Nottingham, albeit slightly out of date, which has a picture showing to rehydrate in 100 mL of water at 30-35 degrees C. But if you have different information that is fair enough.