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Australia & New Zealand Homebrewing Forum

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  1. hoppy2B

    Bitter as f@#k!

    If TowelBoy could define "chucked in" it would be helpful. Does that mean dry hopped or hop tea? I would recommend some gelatin to help drop any floating hop particles out.
  2. hoppy2B

    Another home brew twang/sweetness question

    I think it takes a good 6 weeks of bottle conditioning for a well made beer fermented with S04 to get beyond the sweet taste. I don't mind that fresh beer taste now that I have become accustomed to it. For those new to home brewing, it may seem strange. I believe you can make good beer with...
  3. hoppy2B

    Good single vessel for new to All Grain?

    The easiest single vessel would be something like a 30 litre pot with BIAB. You can probably get an element to hang over the side. For higher gravity you could put a second bag in after taking the first out, or just add sugar in the same way as the monks do.
  4. hoppy2B

    2019 Hop Plantations

    Day length is longer in Tasmania than Brisbane during summer. You need to get down to the latitude of New Zealand's South Island for Fugglies to start doing ok. Once day length gets too long they stop growing. Same thing with Tettnang.
  5. hoppy2B

    2019 Hop Plantations

    I think you need to make a few more posts before anyone can message you.
  6. hoppy2B

    2019 Hop Plantations

    Day length is an issue with Fugglies. They will grow ok in Brisbane and northwards going on what others have gotten from them. They probably won't do much good in Tassie because it is not far enough south.
  7. hoppy2B

    Where to buy liquid yeast?

    If you get desperate or perhaps savvy, you could try culturing the yeast up from a bottle of Chimay, available at the nearest Dan Murphy's.
  8. hoppy2B

    Question About Malts

    Probably not a great deal of difference. Briess would be imported and therefore typically more expensive.
  9. hoppy2B

    The NEIPA thread

    Thanks for the heads up. They have a good price on some pils malt too, and they home deliver for free around Adelaide and the S.E. Freeway up to Mt. Barker, which is awesome.
  10. hoppy2B

    How long does it take for a yeast starter to do it's thing?

    The 4 hr starter might be what they refer to as a vitality starter. I think it is just meant to oxygenate the yeast and getting it started for pitching.
  11. hoppy2B

    Yeast starters and equipment

    Yeah, Mark's way of doing things is a bit pish posh for my tastes tbh. Granted, there is some scientific merit in the things he says, I think one can take things to extremes. Brown sugar isn't the best thing for yeast apparently, but molasses is commonly used by commercial yeast labs. Take a...
  12. hoppy2B

    Yeast starters and equipment

    I just use an ordinary jar for most of my starters. Sometimes I use lab bottles. Bringing the sugar/dex/malt extract and nutrient solution to a boil in the microwave with the lid loosely sitting on top, while observing closely to avoid a boil over, is all it takes to prepare. Once cooled add...
  13. hoppy2B

    My beers at 1.020

    Dextrose ferments out fully, so a brew like the one above with a kilo of dex should finish pretty dry. If it doesn't drop in a week, do as per Mark's advice and add some fresh yeast like Nottingham Ale, and ditch the heat pad.
  14. hoppy2B

    Stalled 34/70

    Was the starter fermented out? If I make a starter from dry yeast I typically just use a small portion of the package. So if I was in your position, I would have used a quarter of the package and gone with a 2 litre starter. I'll even split a starter once it is fermented out and make several...
  15. hoppy2B

    $15 Kmart Pot / CraftBeerPi BIAB Rig

    BigW have a 19 litre pot for $20, or at least they used to. They probably still do for all I know.
  16. hoppy2B

    Porter Yeast

    Depends how far away the store is. Make the run if there is a better yeast you have in mind. I'm actually mashing a Porter at the moment. It's going to be a hoppy Porter, so I'm using Wy1318 on it. I went nuts and split a starter into 4 or 5 lots and am using it on everything lol.
  17. hoppy2B

    American Ale Yeast Recommendation

    There is a new East Coast NEIPA style dried yeast out that you might consider trying.
  18. hoppy2B

    Morgans Queenslander lager

    God knows why they are calling it a lager.
  19. hoppy2B

    American Ale Yeast Recommendation

    I've used US-05 on a number of occasions but never used Wy1056. I'm sure there would be a lot of people in a similar position due to the fact that the dried stuff is more readily available and cheaper. It's probably the most often recommended as well.
  20. hoppy2B

    American Ale Yeast Recommendation

    Because you mentioned that you have done a couple of DSGA's, I thought I would contribute that I think I recall DS saying somewhere that he liked Wy1272. I think it was an Adelaide forum where he did a write up of some competition beers he did well with. My personal favourite has been Wy1318...