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  1. W

    Saflager 34/70

    And have now received notice that my order has been posted.
  2. W

    Saflager 34/70

    Did PayPal, Livo
  3. W

    Saflager 34/70

    As a matter of fact I ordered some yesterday to see if he's any good. Had the order confirmation within a couple of minutes. I guess I'll see what happens from here on in.
  4. W

    Yet another comes back to the fold

    Hello William I bought some of the refurbished kegs on eBay a few years ago. Mine measure 560mm high by 230mm diameter. Hold 18lt. Never had a problem with them. They are good kegs. I believe there are some out there with the same diameter but are 585mm high and holding 19lt. Cheers
  5. W

    Burnt Rubber Taste

    Thanks Greg You are right of course. I was assuming that kit wort is getting boiled as well. Any reason why you wouldn't boil it? Would certainly make a lot of sense to me. Would kill any bugs and one would only have to worry about the thereafter 😉
  6. W

    Significant trub losses BIAB

    Never add whirlfloc to Hefeweizen, but always to Kristallweisse.
  7. W

    Burnt Rubber Taste

    Hi Livo I use rainwater as well. Brewfather will give me the minerals and acid to add according to the style of beer I'm brewing. Very easy 👍 My lagers I ferment under 12-14psi pressure @ 23°C and using 34/70 yeast. Done in about 4 days. Cooled to 5°C and left on the yeast for a week. Racked...
  8. W

    Saflager 34/70 Very hard to replace that yeast. You could try Lallemand's Diamond, which comes close and is equally versatile. Nothing else comes close Cheers
  9. W

    KegLand Questions and Answers

    Got one of those last week. Very very disappointed that it really only fits those swing top glass bottles. Doesn't accommodate pet or twist tops. For the life of me I can't understand why kegland doesn't include the next size up which would fit all those bottles above. Or charge two bucks more...
  10. W

    Bavarian Weissbier Tips

    This is a German recipe that I translated a few years ago. It's my go to Hefeweizen that I don't like to run out of. It's also by far the most popular one on the the German recipe site. Give it a go and let me know what you think. If you like maximum banana flavours, ferment at 22°C, otherwise...
  11. W

    Aldi specials

    They are a good idea, but don't leave solution in them as they will develop pin holes over time
  12. W


    Been down the fermzilla road and two of them busted on me for no good reason, after all they are supposed to be pressurerisable. Now use converted corny kegs. No drama sanitising, use any pressure your heart desires. Hot wort goes straight in from the boil. Into the fermentation fridge they go...