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Australia & New Zealand Homebrewing Forum

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  1. The Village Idiot

    No Chill 0 Min Hop Additions

    My two bobs worth....I no chill and couldn't get much flavour or aroma by adding hops even at flame out. Haven't like the grassiness I get from dry hopping. I am drinking an APA at the moment that I "experimented" with that has 9 IBU's of Magnum at 60 min and 50g of Citra in the cube. :super...
  2. The Village Idiot

    What Are You Brewing - 2014

    Been looking at Brambling Cross, they sound like something I would like.... let me know how it turns out.
  3. The Village Idiot

    Wtb: complete brew rig, preferably electric

    Crown Urn plus bits and pieces. ESB or Country Trading Store
  4. The Village Idiot

    CUB launches new Crown Golden Ale

    Methinks the memories of your hair are better than your taste. :)
  5. The Village Idiot

    CUB launches new Crown Golden Ale

    Sounds like another piss weak attempt by the Mega Brewers at making beer. Tried Tooheys Flag Ale the other day at one of the local pubs(I really don't know why) ...... and :icon_vomit: would have tipped it out if I brewed it.... nothing good to say.
  6. The Village Idiot

    Cube Hop Question?

    Was planning citra only but sponge suggested a small bittering addition would be worth while so put the magnum in, you're saying NS and Citra together is not so great?
  7. The Village Idiot

    Cube Hop Question?

    Love no chill and an easy brew day so might run with this, thanks gents. LRG the Ashburne Mild is very nice. Did a APA with NS at flame out and was very nice. Had a bit of Caramunich II. Yanky Doodle Dandy American Pale Ale Recipe Specs ---------------- Batch Size (L): 20.0 Total...
  8. The Village Idiot

    Cube Hop Question?

    Looking at an doing APA Smash but I have been struggling in previous brews to achieve a reasonable hop flavour/aroma with flame out additions(no chill) so the plan is to try cube hopping, yes I could dry hop but so far that has been less than successful(grassy). I read somewhere that if cube...
  9. The Village Idiot

    Wyeast 1099 behavior

    Pitched a 1099 starter into an oatmeal stout and it went great for 2 days(20mm foam) , now it has no foam but is bubbling pretty well and looks almost as if its carbonated??? Normal?
  10. The Village Idiot

    Ebay, Gumtree and FB Marketplace

    I got free dents with mine. Pretty thin material. On a positive it seems to heat pretty quick.... no concealed element but cool for a HLT and the tap/hole fits 1/2 threaded pipe perfectly for ball valve upgrade
  11. The Village Idiot

    Brewmate no chill

    Don't forget to tick the box..... and the only way I have achieved good hop aroma/flavour is flame out additions. Dry hopped one brew in the secondary and ended up grassy. Have cube hopped the next brew, see how that turns out. Half the fun is experimenting.
  12. The Village Idiot

    First AG hiccups...

    Great work, I see more equipment being purchased very soon, it's a slippery slope my friend. And drinking as you go on brew day creates all sorts of problems and some great stories, not a good idea. lol
  13. The Village Idiot

    First full AG help please

    That looks like a good place to start.... loss to evaporation might be a bit high depending on boil time and how strong a boil you achieve. Good luck and enjoy.
  14. The Village Idiot

    1st all grain biab

    My 2 bobs worth. 10% boil off Use Brewmate set for BIAB, I wouldn't worry about the other variables for the first brew, use it to learn for the next time
  15. The Village Idiot

    Ducatiboys Red Ale

    A mate wanted a Kilkennyish beer so I did this one Saturday, used what I had to get the colour and looked the goods into the fermenter. Kill Kenny Irish Red Ale Recipe Specs ---------------- Batch Size (L): 23.0 Total Grain (kg): 5.300 Total Hops (g): 42.00 Original...
  16. The Village Idiot

    Cheap gumtree urns. dodgy?

    Got mine today with free dents(not happy). Was intending to insulate(camp mat) so grin and bare it I guess. Pretty thin material and if my measurements are right it wont hold 48 L, internal dimensions give about 43L with 33L above the tap. Easy to add a pick up tube. No concealed element. You...
  17. The Village Idiot

    WTB - Stainless Steel Pot for first Stovetop AG BIAB (40-50L) please

    Bought one of these today, HLT for 3V or BIAB if needed. $110 for the 48L delivered. Cheap(hopefully not nasty)
  18. The Village Idiot

    Cheap gumtree urns. dodgy?

    Is yours the one with what looks like a black coating around the lower third of the urn or the straight stainless jobby?? So does 44L less 6L(below the tap) make it the 38L one?? Or the 48L??
  19. The Village Idiot

    Porter Recipe advice

    Not sure you need the melanoidin... I'm no expert. Why only a 40 min boil??