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Australia & New Zealand Homebrewing Forum

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  1. L

    Looking For a Bottle Capper to Borrow/Buy (Melb.)

    I have a wand and a capper you can borrow from Ascot Vale. You can keep your wheat beer though, yuck!
  2. L

    New 3V HERMS or Braumeister setup feasibility ...

    Not sure if its legal but I got some old kegs from the transfer station, gave the bloke there $20 for three of them. That should save you a few bob if your going to go with a 3v system. Also home made beer from your own home made brewey, sounds like the way to go to me. Cheers Luke
  3. L

    Yet Another Aus wide Bulk buy Grain mill- Malt Muncher (third time lu

    Glad to hear the missing parts have arived, I might drop by one day next week to pick mine up Cheers
  4. L

    Yet Another Aus wide Bulk buy Grain mill- Malt Muncher (third time lu

    Fine with me, I'm not allowed start getting bulk grain untill we have renovated the garage apparently. Or perhaps untill I can hide a water tight 44 gallon drum somewhere in the backyard and fill it up when the missus is at work?
  5. L

    Quick question - Sugar Carbing in Keg

    At the risk of sounding like an Idiot it does seem to work, (however OP I would use half just to be sure). Why would it make a difference I would have thought it would be a mathematical equation, X amount of sugar creates Y amount of C02 in a given volume creates a pressure of Z, what am I missing?
  6. L

    Quick question - Sugar Carbing in Keg

    I normaly put my beer in a bottle, however every now and again I fill a keg for my old man and I bulk prime. I use exactly the same amount of sugur as I would when putting it in the bottle, the beer seems well carbonated, not sure about useing half? As far as the yeast coming back to life, I...
  7. L

    march pump bulk buy melbourne

    Probably not this time, I think I will invest in a grain crusher instead. Thanks anyway
  8. L

    Yet Another Aus wide Bulk buy Grain mill- Malt Muncher (third time lu

    Also after having a look at the different mills on offer and considering the coments made so far I'd say my prefrence is for the $100 jobbie from keg king, i just dont think i need a top of the line mill for the amount of grain i will be milling. So I'll wait and see which way the group goes but...
  9. L

    march pump bulk buy melbourne

    Any idea on price?
  10. L

    Yet Another Aus wide Bulk buy Grain mill- Malt Muncher (third time lu

    Nope I ment the BB stevenger aranged in early feb. Bit harsh to say he tipped me out actually, there where 12 of us and the price came out a little more expencive then he thought so he made an executive decision and only got 8 (or something like that) after that it was first in best dressed...
  11. L

    Yet Another Aus wide Bulk buy Grain mill- Malt Muncher (third time lu

    1. Golani51 (Caulfield, VIC) 2. Rexi (Hobart, Tas) 3. eggs ( Croydon, Vic. work in Mulgrave) 4. 8-ball (brisbane Qld ) 5. LagerBomb (Burnie Tasmania) 6. SamB (Caulfield, VIC) 7. Super Simian 8. MattC (Broken Hill, NSW) 9. eddy22 (Hampton 3188, Victoria) 10. nardcoooker 11. Aydos...
  12. L

    Cost Of Doing An Ag?

    It seems the cost question has been well and truly dealt with but can I just add that I made the switch from brewing from a kit about 12 months ago and the beer is much, much better. I'm not sure why that is, but I did a brew from a can, along with some specialty grain, the other day and it was...
  13. L

    Stuck $%#%ing Sparge

    Hard to put too much blame on the home brew shop, I made the order after all. Still it would have been nice if they had pointed out my mistake before I brought the second 10 kg of grain and wasted a second brew day. Having said that they did take pity on my and gave me a fresh wort kit at half...
  14. L

    Stuck $%#%ing Sparge

    Right, there is a **** load of pale sludge in the bottom of my cubes, could this be the unconverted starch your talking about? Also despite only getting about 25 L of wort out of 10 kg of grain my wort only has a specific gravity of 1.030 also I cant seem to get my starter going its been sitting...
  15. L

    Stuck $%#%ing Sparge

    Great, one more reason this brown will be a disaster!
  16. L

    Stuck $%#%ing Sparge

    Nice to see the quick responses @ Bradsbrew: My false bottom looks like this and its got a 10 inch circumference @ Raven: You may have the answer here, I did have a reasonably large grain bill at 10 kg thats about as big a grain bill as i have done in my keggle. However probably my last 5...
  17. L

    Stuck $%#%ing Sparge

    So I just finished (well sort of) my second brew in a row with a stuck sparge and I'm buggered if I can figure out why it’s happening. I have done about 10 brews with my current set up and no issues until wham two in a row. My first attempt at a Brown Ale ended in disaster, stuck like glue, so I...
  18. L

    Lager Starter

    I went to the Bright Brewery the other day and did the brewery tour (highly recommend), I got talking to the brewer about the difficulty of the huge starter you need to get a lager going and he spoke about some of the ideas he had if they were to ever do a proper lager. Later I was thinking...
  19. L

    How Much Do You Spend On Alcohol A Month?

    In very simple terms it costs me about $1.40 a litre to make my home brew vs say $3.8 a litre to get a slab of draft on special, a more detailed analysis would have to consider 1) for $1.40 i get much better beer than i would get for $3.80. 2) Because the beer is so much better than carlton...
  20. L

    Getting A Double Batch Out Of A Keggle

    I'm no expert at this but I made a 48 L batch last weekend seemed to work, i can conform that making 40 L batches with this method has worked I use a three vessel system made from three old kegs. I fill the kettle up with about 40 L of wort and put that on an open fire to boil and put the...