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  1. L

    Bulk Priming before Largering

    I am allowed one fridge for my brewing and so I use it for fermentation, thats why I bottle. The issue with only the odd bottle suggests it must be a problem in the bottling process, so my plan is to deal with that aspect of my brewing. I dont have a counter pressure filler so forced...
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    Bulk Priming before Largering

    I think i have been having an issue with wild yeast getting into some of my bottles so I have decided to put my priming sugar into boiling water to sterilize it. I plan on Largering the beer (its a pils) in a keg and then replacing the beer tap with a bottling wand and bottling after a month...
  3. L

    Which type of sugar for bulk priming?

    Here is an online calculator I just found yesterday, Cheers Luke
  4. L

    Complete Allgrain Brewery

    Nope It's mine now, still haven't worked out how to get it across to the mainland though...
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    First Lager

    G'day Mate I would not say I was an experienced Lager brewer but I have done about 5 batches so far and have been listening to plenty of pod casts from the brewing network to refine my process (I'd highly recommend them). The theory goes that if you pitch the yeast at around 5 to 6 degrees...
  6. L

    Infection Photo Thread

    Well Ive had about 6 bottles of my choc choc stout now and there is no off flavors at all. So given the thickness of the film on the surface of the bottle I am going to declare it to be fat from the chocolate, otherwise I would definitely taste the problem.
  7. L

    Infection Photo Thread

    So got this funky stuff sitting at the top of one of my bottles. Looks bad right? But it tastes fine, quite nice actually. The brew was choc choc stout, plenty of coco, chocolate, oats and lactose, could that be the problem?
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    Braumeister 20L for Sale Melbourne

    I can testify to the quality beer from this baby
  9. L

    Grain Bulk Buy - Melbourne May 2013

    Thanks to Cocko for organising and Black n Tan for picking up my bags and the tasty beers. Cheers Luke
  10. L

    Complete Allgrain Brewery

    Assuming I haven't been gazumped and your talking about me, the brewery will be residing in Buninyong with my old man. Since discovering this website and having started making beer that is worth drinking I have been brewing for the both of us. I have been trying to talk him into getting a setup...
  11. L

    Dry hopping after kegging

    So my old man got 50 L of beer from some ubrewit sort of mob, any way it was allegedly an IPA but very, very light on the hops. It's already kegged and carbonated, so could I grab some hop pellets and chuck them in?
  12. L

    Storage after carbonation

    Firstly larger is one of the trickier styles of beer to brew, to do it well you need time and the ability to control the temp of the ferment. Mine spend about a month in the fermenter at 11 c then 6 weeks at 1 c before I put it into bottles. As has been sugested start with an ale untill you can...
  13. L

    Depression........Its real

    I have a very good friend who suffers from it, although he seems a lot better now days. He thinks the best thing he did to start getting better was to talk to his friends about it, he got a lot more support than he was expecting. Not sure what else I can add, good luck!
  14. L

    Getting the most out of my fermenting fridge

    I think ill make a trip down to bunnings and take some measurements of varies shaped water receptacles, some of those 25 L cubes might be the go, i might just be able to stack 4 in there and then i could do the Oktoberfest and Pilsner at the same time...
  15. L

    Airlock/Stopper question

    I assume you would have no worries stacking them on top of each other in a chest freezer? Apologies for hijacking you thread Motorhead
  16. L

    Airlock/Stopper question

    So what if I wanted to brew in these, glad wrap around the hole and an eleastic band around it?
  17. L

    Getting the most out of my fermenting fridge

    So the cold weather is upon us and it’s time to get into the larger’s, however I only have one chest freezer with a SCT-1000 to work with. Given amount of time a Pilsner or an Oktoberfest need to cold condition the ugly spectre of running out of beer can raise its terrifying head. So I want to...
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    Grain Bulk Buy - Melbourne May 2013

    1. Cocko - 1x JW Ale, Wey Caramunich II (Split with Spiesy and Adamski29) 2. Camo6 - 1x wey pils, 1x wey munich I, 1x briess pale, 1x JW wheat malt (halved with breakbeer), 3. Wolfman - 1 x Simpson GP, 1 x Simpson MO, 1 x JW Trad Ale, 1 x JW Pils, 1x Best Kolsch 4. mxd - 1 x wey boh pil, 1 x...
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    Grain Bulk Buy - Melbourne May 2013

    Your a good man Black and Tan I'll pm you to sort out pick up details, order to follow...
  20. L

    Grain Bulk Buy - Melbourne May 2013

    I'm keen on grabbing a couple of bag's, however I doubt I will be able to get to KK between 11:00 and 12:00 any chance some one would be able to pick up a couple of bags for me? I'm in Ascot Vale so someone in the west would be ideal? Cheers Luke