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Australia & New Zealand Homebrewing Forum

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  1. L

    Vic August Grain Bulk Buy - EOI

    Full Bags Yob: Best Pale 1 JW Pils 1 JB: Gladfield ale x1 + Simpsons Maris Otter x1 Micbrew: Gladfield pale something x1 Rob.p: don't care who from bag of wheat x1 dont' care who from bag of vienna x 1 DU99: Gladfield Ale Malt x1 Helles: 4 x JW Traditional 1 x JW Munich 1 x JW Vienna Mofox1: 1 x...
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    Vic August Grain Bulk Buy - EOI

    Yob: Best Pale 1 JW Pils 1 Gladfield Smoked 1 (Breakbeer/Mardoo/Yob/JB/Danwood) JB: Gladfield pale something or other x1 + probably Maris Otter x1 Micbrew: Gladfield pale something x1 Rob.p: don't care who from bag of wheat x1 dont' care who from bag of vienna x 1 DU99: Bag of Ale Malt x1 [will...
  3. L

    Mmm....Is the Gov starting to crackdown on distilling ?

    i work at a union and our communications bloke got made redundant last week, we also had four organisers made redundant about 18 months ago. Slowing economy, no ones immune
  4. L

    Moving Sale *Kegs* *Fermenters* *Fridges* + More. Preston, VIC

    I'll take a 9.5 L keg if there not all gone and the price is right
  5. L

    Gardening Australia, turning your hops into an abomination!

    Your almost right, they only missed two important steps Step 8. Take the entire batch and place gently into the rubbish Step 9. Never talk of it again
  6. L

    Gardening Australia, turning your hops into an abomination!

    So the latest Gardening Australia magazine had an article on hops, it included this handy how to guide for all grain brewing, it seems we've all been doing it completely wrong all these years! You will need: Brewing kit, stove, large pot, spoon, measuring cup, malt, grain, water, hops, sodium...
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    Cold Crash - Frozen!

    John Palmer by the way That man is a poet
  8. L

    Cold Crash - Frozen!

    'Twas a few weeks before Christmas and all around the house, not an airlock was bubbling, in spite of myself. My Vienna was lagering in the refrigerator out there, with hopes that a truly fine beer, I soon could share. The Airstat* was useless, 32F couldn't be set, so I turned the 'fridge to...
  9. L

    Real estate want me to remove my electric brewery

    From the tenant union of NSW During your tenancy Your rights: to be given rent receipts if you pay in person or by cheque to have exclusive use and quiet enjoyment of the premises to have reasonable safety and security to have necessary repairs carried out in a reasonable time to be given...
  10. L

    Real estate want me to remove my electric brewery

    So I cant be bothered reading all the posts so this may have already been suggested but try the tennent's union Its a free service that's funded with the interest that's earned on your bond (least that's the way it works in Vic) Good luck
  11. L

    Jockey Box ? thinking of getting one

    G'day Mate I store my kegs out of the fridge and they hold carbonation just fine, so no drama with that issue. As far as the keg chargers they are pretty good, i get most of a 9L keg with one.
  12. L

    For Sale: Brewing Magazines

    I'd be keen on buying bundle 3, how much extra do you want for the yeast book?
  13. L

    Jockey Box, Keg and regulator

    they can be arranged, in fact i probably should get my hands on it to check the keg holds pressure ect Stay tuned...
  14. L

    Jockey Box, Keg and regulator

    Well clearly all you home brewers are shut ins who never venture further than the umbilical cord that connects your kegs to your pluto guns, but imagine the world of possibilities that will open to you once you can venture more than a meter from your keggerator, and WITH beer! all this...
  15. L

    Jockey Box, Keg and regulator

    What about $300? Impress the ladies as you casually sit on a park bench sipping your ice cold beer straight from the keg, al fresco style! All reasonable offers considered
  16. L

    Jockey Box, Keg and regulator

    I was talking to a bloke from work the other day about brewing and he tried to sell me his jockey box set up, I wasn't keen but I told him if I could keep the pluto gun i would try and find him a buyer so here it is He's looking for $350, includes the box, 20 l keg, regulator and a couple of...
  17. L

    Man loses arm in beer keg explosion

    This all gets me thinking about the safety of my methods, I some times force carb a sanke keg at 400 kpi when I'm in a hurry to get fizzy beer. Maybe i should turn the reg down a bit and enjoy a couple of alcohol free days...