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  1. L

    Classic AHB threads

    Me too, I invested an hour and a half in that thread and I'm still none the wiser. Although the fact that I've never tasted a beer containing Marco Polo is probably a bit of s clue
  2. L

    Classic AHB threads

    Well that one looks like its been sanitized as well, but being a keen follower of Vittorio's antics I can let my imagination fill in the banks for me. "Its obviously a bargain, it takes a forklift and a gang of strong men to move the thing!" Classic Vittorio
  3. L

    Classic AHB threads

    Can you sort us out with the link? Surely its classic Vittorio it must be a classic AHB thread
  4. L

    Classic AHB threads

    Bugger, I just re read this thread and looks like the moderators took out almost all the spicy goodness, probably for the best actually, it got quite nasty.
  5. L

    Classic AHB threads
  6. L

    Classic AHB threads

    Beat me too it, **** certainly got real for Vittorio quickly!
  7. L

    FS VIC Point Cook - Home Made Braumeister Clone Rig

    I'm pretty sure my old man would love this, if your happy to hold it till the morning till i can talk to him. Cheers
  8. L

    Why is my coopers cloudy?

    So I'm sitting in a pub enjoying a pot of coopers pale, lovely. But why is it so cloudy on draft? The yeast in my beer at home would have well and truly settled.
  9. L

    Ebay, Gumtree and FB Marketplace

    Wow, a jar of genuine cider yeast!!! Get in quick lads. I can only assume the tooheys yeast they refer to has already been snapped up
  10. L

    Ebay, Gumtree and FB Marketplace

    Wow, a jar of genuine cider yeast!!! Get in quick lads. I can only assume the tooheys yeast they refer to has already been snapped up
  11. L

    Removing dms

    So I was sampling some of dads kolsch and it was awful, just awful. I just couldn't figure out what the problem was, didn't taste infected, until I came down to do a brew with him this weekend. He's been covering the kettle during the boil to "stop bugs getting in the beer". Now being a...
  12. L

    FS: Stainless Commercial mini fermenter

    This has to be a practical joke. Grainer posts a picture of some pretty bling, Rangichard offers him a pittance for it and sold; cue steam from everyone's ears! Well played fellas, well played
  13. L

    Boiling the alcohol out of beer for a N/A brew

    I foolishly brought an alcohol free can of guinness when i was in bali, it tasted just like un-fermented wort, bloody awful. Not sure thats a reflection on the style though because I tried one of their locally produced alcoholic guinness's and it too was just absolutely undrinkable. Not sure...
  14. L

    Real Ale Setup: beer engine, cornies, fridge

    Looks like my misses has been gotten to, I'm looking at you MartinOC... I have been prohibited from bringing any more of "your beer crap" into the house Seems like its going to find a new home though
  15. L

    Real Ale Setup: beer engine, cornies, fridge

    Ill take the lot Whats the best bet to pick it up? Cheers
  16. L

    what did I get wrong?!?

    Rookie mistake, in fact that's exactly the mistake i made on my first ag brew, actually one of the mistakes I made.
  17. L

    Lots of Beer Gear, Font, Taps, Hand Pump, Couplers, Gas Reg, DAV Tap S

    On the off chance the sale of the hand pump falls through id like to go next in line
  18. L

    VICBREW 2015

    You people meet on a Wednesday night?? You either take this beer drinking thing a lot less, or a lot, lot more seriously than the Westgate brewers