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Australia & New Zealand Homebrewing Forum

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  1. M

    Hop Rhizomes For Sale

    I still have about 10 chinook, 5 POR and one or two tettnanger rhizomes left. Make me an offer! Postage costs about $6.50 including a padded bag. I dont want to throw them away. PM me if you are interested.
  2. M

    My First Starter

    Chuck em both in before its too late! Good experiment if nothing else.
  3. M

    Classic Beers Threatened. German Hallertau Crop Hit By Hail

    Grow your own Tettnang! I have plenty of rhizomes available for sale. A few think I am ripping people off, most have been very happy with my offer and think its a bargain. I think its a chance to easily grow your own and not have worry about the "crisis". PM me if you are interested. Gil
  4. M

    Hop Rhizomes For Sale

    I've still got POR, chinook and tettnanger. All out of bonus flowers though!!
  5. M

    Hop Rhizomes For Sale

    They are all washed and free from soil for quarantine purposes. Leave them as when you purchased them for winter. Crack the snaplock or vacuum bag open and leave them in the fridge for several months if necessary. Keep an eye on them though so they dont get too dry or wet in the fridge...
  6. M

    Early Hop Planting

    Mate dont worry about giving them a "head start". They will only pop up through the soil when a certain minimum of daylight hours shine ie they will sit dormant whether in the soil or in the fridge, warm or cool. Warming them may spin them out and reduce your yield. Keep em in the fridge OR...
  7. M

    Hop Rhizomes For Sale

    What other varieties do you have mate? I'd be interested in some depending.......
  8. M

    Hop Rhizomes For Sale

    No dramas bloke, these guys are far too serious anyway! I have got right into my garden today and discovered quite a bit more tettnanger. All those who have PMed since friday, I will get back to you tomorrow. Anyone else, PM me for Pride of Ringwood, Chinook or Tettnanger rhizomes.
  9. M

    Hop Rhizomes For Sale

    Darren, Seeing as though you can source rhizomes and cuttings for free, can you grab me a cascade, galaxy and saaz rhizome when you come across them. Also get me a......... I'm not a retailer, just a home brewer who has been growing 4 varieties of hops for my own beers for 6 years. When the...
  10. M

    Hop Rhizomes For Sale

    No worries guys. I still have some rhizomes left to sell but no free flower samples. Happy growing
  11. M

    Hop Rhizomes For Sale

    Someone sent me a deposit with "hop rhizome A HAW" on it. Who is this? Let me know asapp so I can dispatch
  12. M

    Hop Rhizomes For Sale

    Should have some more rhizomes left after this week. POR, chinook and tettnanger. PM me. I cant get back to all of you easily as the message board on AHB only allows me to send a reply every ten minutes or so. For those of you who have emailed back with a/c details and paid, I am dispatching...
  13. M

    Chinook: Appropriate Styles

    Having said that, assume 10-14%aau
  14. M

    Chinook: Appropriate Styles

    Throw 25-40g in an APA for 60 mins. Or throw em in half at a time for 15 and 0 mins for a fruity flavour and aroma.
  15. M

    What Bottles Not To Use?

    If you do it right you should have no problems with any bottles. Do it wrong and any bottles are lethal.
  16. M

    Tettnanger Rhizomes For Sale

    Pulled my tettnanger today. Got a little more than expected. $27 including postage each ($20 each plus postage for more than one). Chinook and POR may still also be available next week for same prices Cheers, Gil
  17. M

    Hop Rhizomes For Sale

    No more orders guys. As I said, first in best dressed. Will get back to you in the next few weeks when rhizomes are pulled. I'll PM you all from here back to let you know if you are successful. Cheers, Gil
  18. M

    Hop Rhizomes For Sale

    I have Chinook, Pride of Ringwood and Tettnanger rhizomes for sale. $20 each plus postage. They should be ready in the next few weeks so get in early if you are keen to "grow your own". I have a sample of free flowers for all buyers to include in the post. PM me if you are keen. First in...
  19. M

    Monster Mill

    Just make sure the mountings between the mill and the platform are solid. It will work its way loose if its mounted into wood, mdf etc and alter your crush diameter and therefore efficiency. Any flat surfaces will hold grain so see if you can slope them all towards the slot if possible. Looks...