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Australia & New Zealand Homebrewing Forum

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  1. M

    Chilling Hot Wort

    I had a brain wave the other day! I used my 50 litre ss pot to chill my blue 20 litre cube. I used a bung in the cube rather than a tap and it fit snugly in the pot. I am lucky enough to have "unlimited" spring water at my house and ran it through the pot at a low level and voila! chilled...
  2. M

    Spiral Burner Is Turning My Robinox Pot Blue

    Dont turn it up so high that the flames cook the sides of the kettle. Ive got exactly the same set up. Turn down the reg, not the burner.
  3. M

    2008 Hop Plantations

    Leave the laterals alone, they hang off the trelissed main bines quite happily. They produce the majority of flowers also. When you are planning trellis - think big, think long term, think investment ie 100grams of pellets for $10-15 retail. I harvested 4kg of dry flowers off 3 four year old...
  4. M

    2008 Hop Plantations

    True, and its good sh*t! Only brother to the green stuff after all. But seriously, have some patience, a very small bit of green thumb and you should enjoy your own home grown hops for years to come.
  5. M

    2008 Hop Plantations

    Thats a great virtual girl you have running there!! Much like the real thing. My hops in the past few years have flowered twice. The first ones that you get about now make your beer grassy and are not that high in AAU - although thats from experience not scientific testing. Although...
  6. M

    2008 Hop Plantations

    This is my "fair old size trellis" - all steel, very productive, no lightning problems as yet. Can lean a ladder on the top to harvest flowers. The photo shows my tettnanger, chinook (both 5th year) and new goldings on left in new garden bed. POR is on higher trellis behind me when I took the...
  7. M

    Yeastie Beasties ♥ All-grain

    Funny you should bring this up. Last week I racked an american pale ale straight onto the trub of a similar style brew in which I used US-05 yeast at about 22 degrees. The result - 24 hours from 1048 to 1006, a bit of a mess in the fridge (boiled out through the airlock) but more importantly...
  8. M

    Pot & Burner Question For Biab

    Go italian spiral burner and medium pressure regulator if you can afford it. They do well
  9. M

    What Is The Next Step Up From K&k?

    Try unhopped extract plus hop pellets as per recipes in this forum. Also make sure a home brew shop yeast such as US-05 is used (and better still recultured for a few brews).
  10. M

    Ag Or Keg Setup

    I did extract brews for 15 years. My worst AG beer is still miles better than my best extract beer. Sorry to present the truth, but thats definitely my experience.
  11. M

    Ag Or Keg Setup

    I did both at once, but if I had to choose I would much rather drink good, no, great beer out of bottles than kit beer out of kegs. By the time you get fridge, temp controller, CO2 bottle, font, kegs etc you soon spend up big. The key is to be drinking great beer no matter how it is stored and...
  12. M

    Why Is This So Addictive?

    It's because of the end result! If it were jam or bread or woodwork you would not be as obsessed!
  13. M

    Choosing A Gas Burner

    They should screw out/in. You will have to adjust to get nice blue efficient flame. Dont seal them under any circumstances, they are there for this reason. I have a Italian spiral and medium reg and boils 50 litres in 10-15 mins. Remember to also not let the flames "lick" the side of the...
  14. M

    Biab Brewer Register

    Up to 6 BIABs in 6 weeks. Going for my second double batch of Kolsch today. Love the Super Saaz.
  15. M

    2008 Hop Plantations

    Barls, I'd remove at least 75% of that dynamic lifter, way way way over fertilised. Like a few posters said, be patient, keep them moist, not wet, a dash of fertiliser and a long hot summer will have you all happy. Gil
  16. M

    Help! Too Much "break" In Fermenter.

    It'll be half as deep in the morning! Should settle out well...dont stress about it.
  17. M

    Biab Brewer Register

    For the record. Gilbrew.....2........yes........46lt. Very easy, very good beer!