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Australia & New Zealand Homebrewing Forum

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  1. jbowers

    Full Size Stovetop Biab

    That looks great, actually. Very good price. Would fit nicely under the SS microwave tray I use to stop the bag from burning, too. Awesome. Will pull the trigger on that one, as long as it can boil reasonably quickly. Shredmaster - how long do you find it takes to get to mash temp or boiling...
  2. jbowers

    Full Size Stovetop Biab

    I have been toying with that option, though from what I can tell the gas costs work out to be a few bucks per batch, and I'd hate to run out of gas during a brew... Edit: spelling...
  3. jbowers

    Full Size Stovetop Biab

    Hey, So I'm finally getting the hang of this AG thing, making a few mistakes still but getting to know my setup reasonably well. Have only really come across one problem at this stage: When brewing with larger grain bills, lets say 6kg and over, I run in to a couple of problems with lifting...
  4. jbowers

    Not Reaching Correct Gravity

    Also, how much us05 did you use?
  5. jbowers

    Whats In The Glass (commercial)

    I like Red Angus when it's fresh. Nice Nelson Sauvin character...
  6. jbowers

    Summer Ale

    I'm looking for fruity - that's what I love about the NS. Looking at Grain and Grape's current hop stock on the website, doesn't seem as though they have much of the newer NZ varieties. I do have a kilo of Sauvin, might just stick with that...
  7. jbowers

    Summer Ale

    I'm going to brew Ross' Summer Ale again some time soon, but am looking at using something other than NS. Was thinking one of the newer NZ hop varieties. Can anyone make any recommendations on a NZ hop that will lend an interesting but appropriate flavour and aroma to this light bodied summer ale?
  8. jbowers

    Need Help!

    Where abouts do you live?
  9. jbowers

    Inner City Melbourne Brew Club

    I'd potentially be keen. I'm reasonably busy but love the idea of catching up with other brewers when possible. ICB looks great, but as I only know of one person who is in it, and they are exponentially better at brewing than I am, I think this might be an option more suited to my position...
  10. jbowers

    Holgate Brewery, Flat Beer,poor Barstaff,slap Time

    I've had their ESB on handpump a few times (not at the brewery though) and found the carbonation to be basically dead on with what I tried in London at real-ale pubs. They make a good range of beers, if you can look past the (potentially not so) occasional dose of diacetyl. Also, you've been...
  11. jbowers

    14 Degrees!

    I love drinking beer between 7-10 degrees. I have my fridge set at 5 degrees so that I have the option of having a very cold beer to quench my thirst if I desire, or to let it warm for a few minutes. I'd bet that I almost never finish a beer (usually a pint) so quickly that it doesn't rise to...
  12. jbowers

    Warm Enough To Brew?

    I'm in exactly the same boat. Thinking of just using my fermentation fridge, but where is the fun in that?!
  13. jbowers

    Combining Flavors

    Try it and find out. You are doing what is referred to here as a 'toucan' (as in 'two can'). I have a feeling someone will have done that recipe before. It will create a reasonably strong beer, with a fairly decent IBU level. I'd imagine it will wind up being around 60 IBU, depending on what the...
  14. jbowers

    Craft Beer With Nelson Sauvin

    You dry hopped 5g of hops? :huh: ..... and it overpowered the beer? :wacko: ........ What was the recipe.. 21 litres of water?!
  15. jbowers

    Craft Beer With Nelson Sauvin

    Are you talking about the old 6% or new 5.6% version of punk? The new one is not overly bitter, and is a much better beer in my opinion.
  16. jbowers

    Craft Beer With Nelson Sauvin

    The Kooinda Black IPA demonstrates this well. Beautiful, firm bitterness. I don't get any astringency from it. One of the best Aussie beers around at the moment, IMO.
  17. jbowers

    About To Dump 60 Ltr's Of Beer

    Now that is what I call a waste of malt and hops..... :ph34r:
  18. jbowers

    Homebrew Vs Imported Beer

    Light struck beer is easily avoided by taking a 6 pack from a sealed case...
  19. jbowers

    High Fg?

    I reckon it'd be better if it finished lower, but depending on yeast management/growth/pitching rates, it probably wont. Are you 100% sure your hydro is accurate? What does it read room temperature water at?
  20. jbowers

    Whats In The Glass (commercial)

    They most certainly can. Epic, Emersons, 8 Wired, Yeastie Boys, Macs, Croucher, Ben Middlemiss, Renaissance.... All good/great breweries!