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Australia & New Zealand Homebrewing Forum

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  1. B

    Coopers Kit

    Hey mate I was in your situation a few months ago. I decided to dive head first and just do it, risking a terrible beer. Just before doing my brew I had a look around here and by taking temperature control and sanitation advise my first brew came out good. Not like a euro lager or anything but...
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    Js 150 Lashes Pale Ale

    My bad. Didn't realise Coopers pale ale had wheat in it!
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    Js 150 Lashes Pale Ale

    Hi Mate Not sure if I am correct but you might want to consider some wheat malt (which is what makes the 150 lashes a bit different) as I think there is a small amount of wheat in the 150 lashes which you will be missing with the BE2. Im thinking maybe 200G or so? just a guess Im sure the...
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    AHB Articles: Chocalate Porter Recipes

    Hey mate Did this one this week, while not sure how it will turn out it is almost done (1.020) and tastes amazing! it was Can of Coopers Irish Stout 500g Dried Dark Malt extract 500g Dried Light Malt extract 200-250g Chocolate malt 250g Maltodextrin 200g Milo 'Black-pac'...
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    Weihenstephan Hefe Clone

    Thanks, Appreciate the help! Three more beers added to the neverending list of stuff to brew. I didn't realise simple sugars were good in some recipes as I always aimed for mostly malt and a small amount of dextrose to boost alcohol. Would you say the sucrose actually adds to the character...
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    Beer Chart

    Don't tempt me frodo! Awesome poster
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    Weihenstephan Hefe Clone

    Awesome :) Will be giving that one a try for sure. Thanks for the belgian expertise :P Would that be like the red?
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    Weihenstephan Hefe Clone

    Everyone loves the blue so I am probably going to get shot down but.. I actually really liked the red and the yellow more than the blue.. all great beers though However I made the mistake of drinking the yellow and red first so when I got to the blue I wasn't in the best tasting frame of mind :P.
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    Weihenstephan Hefe Clone

    Cheers Silo, I have kegs now so I basically just shake it up whenever I feel like a beer :). Tastes much better with the yeast though for sure!
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    Weihenstephan Hefe Clone

    Cheers Nick, Been looking for a recipe to use the 1214! Would you suggest any specialty grains steeped or not bother?
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    Weihenstephan Hefe Clone

    Maybe thats why I have really enjoyed my beers so far. Made a couple of wheat beers, a belgian blonde, and a IPA. You make a really good point Nick and makes alot of sense now that I think about it. I may have to make the switch to AG anyway since euro lagers are on my "to brew list" and lagers...
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    Weihenstephan Hefe Clone

    Hi guys I have made quite a few kit brews now, all turning out great by my standards. Unfortunately I can't go out and get a pint and enjoy it anymore unless I go somewhere with really good beers on tap as I can honestly say my beers are way ahead! I haven't bothered going to extract brewing...
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    Chocolate Porter Recipe

    This thing turned out to be a bigger beer than expected! 1.068-1.070ish. Not sure if it was due to not mixing well but took a reading that night and was the same. Pretty decent krausen 24 hours after and dropped 48 hrs after. It dropped to 1.040 in only 24 hours! Tasted amazing without having...
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    Chocolate Porter Recipe

    Put this one down today - Can of Coopers Irish Stout 500g Dried Dark Malt extract 500g Dried Light Malt extract 200-250g Chocolate malt 250g Maltodextrin 200g Milo 'Black-pac' ( S-04 Yeast I forgot to buy cocoa so...
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    Unmodified Garden Sprayer

    I never took it to 20psi anyway because I wasn't sure what it would take. The only dumb thing I didn't do is wash the grease and replace with food grade lube.. Im alive so far.. how bad is ingesting them..? They didnt feel like they had any grease on them to be honest but not too sure Cheers...
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    Chocolate Porter Recipe

    Fair enough. Stout it is ! Might have to give this one a go now. That recipe looks nice but already bought the stout can. Cheers for the responses guys.
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    Chocolate Porter Recipe

    Cheers for the response. Looks like an interesting brew :) how did it go? Already bought - Can of Coopers Irish Stout 500g Dried Dark Malt extract 500g Dried Light Malt extract 200-250g Chocolate malt 250g Maltodextrin 'Black-pac'...
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    Chocolate Porter Recipe

    So far going in blind I have come up with. Can of Coopers Irish Stout 1kg Dark Malt extract 200-250g Chocolate malt 'Black-pac' ( 15-25 g goldings or fuggles S-04 Yeast Would this be too many grains with the stee-pac...
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    Chocolate Porter Recipe

    Hi guys Anyone got a good extract/kit recipe for a chocolate porter. Would'nt mind doing some grain steeping but not really equipped for AG just yet. Cheers guys.
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    Unmodified Garden Sprayer

    Okay guys. Taking a dive on this one! Might actually work as a quick and easy solution for 1 night kegs. The garden sprayer I bought has a little pen kind of thing with a switch/trigger to spray. What I did was connect up my gas with a NRV into the pen/gun thing. My gas line fits perfectly in...