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  1. B

    Lager Advice - Doing It Properly, Recipe Suggestions

    Have seen that a few times in threads while searching. Will probably grab a twin pack and go with that. Cheers.
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    Lager Advice - Doing It Properly, Recipe Suggestions

    Hi guys, I have looked at a few recipes but searching this forum is a bit of a nightmare. I have a keezer but no other temperature control, so I was thinking... since I have ales only in the keezer I could ramp the temperatures up to say 10-12 degrees and do a lager in the keezer as well. At...
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    Whats In The Glass

    Thanks guys :). The recipe was completely winged. Can of Coopers Irish Stout 500g Dried Dark Malt extract 500g Dried Light Malt extract 200-250g Chocolate malt 250g Maltodextrin 200g Milo 'Black-pac' ( S-04 Yeast OG...
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    Whats In The Glass

    My chocolate porter which turned into a chocolate stout. Pretty stoked with how this turned out for a kit beer and some grains :)
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    Need Some Advice

    It hit around 20 litres in the end. Awesome, must be about right then! Thanks Cloth Ears. I kegged this just now and did the impatient force carb method. This beer is really nice! Actually really stoked as I completely winged the recipe! It is pretty easy drinking for the percentage. next...
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    AHB Articles: Chocalate Porter Recipes

    Kegged this today. This beer is really nice! Very smooth and actually considering the percentage is very easy to drink. The chocolate isn't overpowering and you could probably add more milo if you wanted it chocolatey but I prefer it more beery haha.
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    Need Some Advice

    Will let u know Bruce. Going to keg it tonight probably. Only managed to get it down a point or two to 1.022. Not sure if it will be a hit with the missus yet though as its quite bitter. Will give it a go on my missus and see how she likes it :P. Would be nice if she was actually asking me to...
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    Weihenstephan Hefe Clone

    Maybe I can guinea pig this? :P Worst case I make beer right? Would it make it taste really bad? or just not work?
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    AHB Articles: Chocalate Porter Recipes

    Hey mate, No worries. ill have to let you know how it goes in the next week or so I will be kegging it. Tastes really nice at the moment so can't see it getting worse but yeah. I actually didnt take much notice of the temp but im pretty sure you usually do it at around 70, mine would have...
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    Weihenstephan Hefe Clone

    Looks like I will be going AG sooner than I thought :P. Thanks Nick
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    Weihenstephan Hefe Clone

    Thanks for the awesome post Hopper. Glad you understood my terrible explanation but sounds exactly like what mine is lacking. Can the Melanoiden malt be added to an extract brew as a cheat method? Can it be steeped or does it need to be mashed? Going to be venturing into AG territory soon...
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    For Sale > Kegerator - Complete Kegging Setup > Perth

    Would have been so keen if I didn't just spend $500 on my setup :(. Good deal!
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    Need Some Advice

    Yeah I only realised after because I expected only a standard 1.050ish beer but due to extra grains etc it came out alot higher. By the time I had done it all I just pitched and hoped rather than going out and buying another packet. I think I will be okay, I did a belgian (1.070) without a...
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    Need Some Advice

    Hard to say what i expected because putting it into a spreadsheet was only an OG of 1.056 yet I got 1.070 (putting milo as dextrose as I figured it was mostly sugar?). However I don't know how much wheat malt was actually in the black-pac I did wing this recipe. Its only been in for around 6...
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    Need Some Advice

    Sorry another FG question.. never had this issue before because I use spreadsheets and work out the FG and it almost always hits the exact point I expect or close. My chocolate stout recently has stopped quite high. Now I am not sure what stouts usually finish at being heavier beers but mine...
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    Too Long In The Fermenter?

    Personally I have waited almost 4 weeks (kegs were coming and I was too lazy to bottle!) and it turned out fine. I think its probably just best to do it after 2 weeks or so because there probably isnt much benefit after the extra week or so cleaning up the yeast does.
  17. B

    Chocolate Porter Recipe

    Thanks mate Mine turned into a full blown stout in the end. Will be trying the bitter can next time as I have seen it a few places now and sounds like a good idea. Mine (recipe above) had an OG of 1.070ish and is now down to 1.024 and has been that way for 2 days.. would you guys say with the...
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    Coopers Kit

    Haha this is true. Bad choice of words ;D. Unfortunately none of my mates brew so I just sound like a beer snob :P Yeah thedragon, I have checked out that thread and been meaning to try it but dont have much time so kits have suited me well so far. I will be going down that path for sure, its...
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    Fast Yeasts Or Have I Got It Wrong

    Yeah grab yourself a big bucket (got one for a few dollars) fill with water and put the fermenter in there next time. Add ice bricks (i use soft drink bottles with water frozen) and do that twice a day to get it a few degrees lower. I use this all the time and has worked well. Lagers really...
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    Fast Yeasts Or Have I Got It Wrong

    Hey mate In my limited experience with dried yeasts they can be done within 4 days. However I find I get much better results, especially with clear beers like a lager, leaving them on the yeast cake for around 12-14 days or even longer. If you cant wait though (I would really try leaving it)...