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  1. TimT

    Cardinal Pell's no show

    As far as the doctrine of hellfire and Satan goes, nobody delivers it in sweeter tones than those smooth, smooth Louvin brothers.
  2. TimT

    Cardinal Pell's no show

    This is in no way a loaded question, but do you believe there are no, or can be, no such thing as moral truths? Huh? I'm not entirely sure what you mean by that, but yes, I do believe there is a moral truth. That's pretty much what I'd been arguing.
  3. TimT

    Cardinal Pell's no show

    It seems to be theological time. A friend just shared this this morning.
  4. TimT

    Cardinal Pell's no show

    You seem to inadvertently go back to a kind of reductive proof of morality anyway Blind Dog, not a bad one either - an argument by compassion: considering all our actions from the point of view of not only ourselves but the other involved parties. But I don't think it's sufficient. It strikes...
  5. TimT

    Cardinal Pell's no show

    Dave, I'd argue if you try to trace back your moral arguments to their core assumptions - eg, 'circumcision' is 'Clearly...objectively wrong' and 'morally abhorrent' then you won't be able to get far. One example might be - 'Circumcision' is arguably wrong because - well, causing 'pain' is...
  6. TimT

    Cardinal Pell's no show

    Well that's a common position in these post-Enlightenment times - a division of the world into "truth" and "lies", and "known" and "not known", and "proven" and "not proven", combined with a claim that "I do not believe in anything" and a subsequent argument that "belief" or "faith" is...
  7. TimT

    Cardinal Pell's no show

    Atheism is not a belief system. It has not dogmas or tenants. In definition maybe. In practice, however.... (The pedant in me is restraining the urge to say 'of course atheism doesn't have 'tenants'. It's definitely not a rental apartment' Oh crap, there he goes again....)
  8. TimT

    Making Wine - Anyone Interested ?

    It really depends on the fruit you use. Remember what you're doing is piling a fruit on top of a heap of table sugar; in beer terms you're just adding an adjunct to an adjunct, so the old rules about '10% of adjunct' really don't apply. What fruit are you going to use? Google around for the...
  9. TimT

    Making Wine - Anyone Interested ?

    I generally don't even bother with temperature control when I do a wine or a mead. There's a lot of simple sugar in them and they have a high fermentability. I find at my place, indoors, temps don't go above 20 degrees often. The only thing to remember is, because a wine is generally much higher...
  10. TimT

    Cardinal Pell's no show

    That's how it works. This life is only a place to wipe your feet before being cast on to an eternal life in heaven if you have faith. Belief is the only prerequisite. Not according to a certain Christian authority - that is, Jesus. 21 “Not everyone who says to Me, ‘Lord, Lord,’ shall enter...
  11. TimT

    Making Wine - Anyone Interested ?

    Well it's really like brewing only much simpler. No mash. No hopping. Usually no boil. You just have to get the juice out of the fruit, how exactly depends on each fruit. With grapes, crush it out. Then ferment. With berries, probably crush, though I reckon you could probably just...
  12. TimT

    Cardinal Pell's no show

    The question is, do we want Pell to suffer without having heard his evidence, or do we want him to serve the royal commission in the most useful way possible? Pell getting on a plane flight that might kill him - or might affect his healthy badly - would hardly benefit the commission. Amanda...
  13. TimT

    Stonefruit Dark Ale

    I've been thinking recently of using stonefruit in brews. Cherries, plums, or almonds especially. I've had the odd plum wine or Amaretto (almond liqeur) or cherry pip noyeaux here and there and the smell in all of them if absolutely unmistakable and beautiful; it comes, I believe, from steeping...
  14. TimT

    Making Wine - Anyone Interested ?

    Re: finding wine specific forums. You might try on Facebook - I'm a member of a few brewing forums on there, none wine specific (though I'm on a few that focus on cider and mead). And of course nothing stopping you just starting one up, it's very easy on FB. Maybe a lot of the wine brewers are a...
  15. TimT

    Making Wine - Anyone Interested ?

    We've only done one classic wine - purple grapes crushed in the press, juice to about five L. I did it as I recall on the ol' standard champagne yeast. The grapes were a bit overripe and I'm not entirely sure what happened in the fermentation as the wine is now oddly yellow-brown rather than a...
  16. TimT

    Making Wine - Anyone Interested ?

    Personally 'brewing' for me is a term that encompasses winemaking as well.
  17. TimT

    Wild Fermentation - an experiment

    Just tip it in. The yeast will grow and reform.
  18. TimT

    Wild Fermentation - an experiment

    I wouldn't trust them on their own for a month, too much time for something else to come along and take over when the yeast has had its fling. That's another reason why I like a regime where you feed the yeast once you see signs of yeast activity, grow it, and get it to a point where you can...
  19. TimT

    Wild Fermentation - an experiment

    "Sulfur smells" is usual for yeast, I'd be more worried about fecal smells. Sediment at the bottom is definitely signs of fermentation I'd say.
  20. TimT

    Wild Fermentation - an experiment

    Oh and of course at some stage you'll have to pop an airlock over the jars so CO2 can escape and the whole thing doesn't burst! Also I'd be a bit hesitant to taste it if there are any enterobacteria still active. Hahaha at some stage you'll have to drink the results though, won't you! I'd...