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Australia & New Zealand Homebrewing Forum

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    Solid Beer

    LloydieP, What's going on with your solid beer. Even if it was a failure, we all want to know about it.
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    Bavaria And Oranjeboom Origins

    This will be voted off topic, but in the eighties, I owned a Blaupunkt CD player made in Japan and a Sony television made in Western Germany!
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    Different Pilseners And Yeasts

    I kept a W2124 alive for many Cz pils brews and was most pleased with the result. I have brewed many more since with Saf. 34/70 and am still happy but feel that the Wyeast had the edge. I have not tried the 2001. If you want a CZ pils, use soft water, saaz hops, keep your ferment below 12C and...
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    Mashmate/2400w Element Blowing Inline 10a Fuse

    Sounds like it shouldn't happen. but 240 V X 10A = 2400W so you are right on the edge. How far beyond the nominal rating does your element have to be before there are problems. 50 years ago when I was studying electrical technology, I was forever amazed how far off the nominal rating (up to 30%)...
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    Another Disasterous Brew Day!

    I have heard from here and other places that the dial thermometers should be calibrated near the the most important temperatures as they can lose accuracy the further away they are from that temp. ie. If you check at 100C, they might read 5C at freezing and vise verse.. It sounds logical to me...
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    New Liquid Yeasts In Perth?

    I've been drinking this for a couple of days after 8 days at 12/11C, 3 days at18C then a week in a jerry at 4C. The resulting beer is clear and a most satisfactory flavour. Better get started on another as this will disappear fast.
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    Beer Tasting Glasses?

    I purchased a dozen ponies from a local restaurant supplier for a couple of dollars each. These hold 150 ml of beer if you leave 15mm for the head. They are ideal at brewer gatherings where there usually so many great beers that unless considerable restraint is shewn, u rely on someone taking...
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    Is There A Worse Name Than Mike Hunt?

    This guy will solve all your problems
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    How Often Do You Clean Your Taps?

    I know when its time to clean my taps. It's when a great black turdmonster plops into my glass rolls over a couple of times then lies on the bottom waiting for me to throw back that last mouthfull. It cures a man of the evil drink for an hour or two.
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    Soapy Taste And Texture

    This link seems very concerned with electronics rather than beer
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    Corking Options For Small Quantity Of Wine

    I have purchased kegs of wine and bottled using both second hand corks and used stelvins. You wont have much joy hammering a cork in but it will go in enough to keep the wine for a short time (up to a year in my experience) if constant steady pressure is applied with something like your bottle...
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    Bread Porn

    I make a "malt" bread by replacing about 10% of the white flour with caramunich II ground to a flour in our old braun spice grinder. This gives a great malty flavour and attractive colour to boring old white bread.
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    First Proper Lager

    Sounds like you've got everything right. The "long as I can leave it " is the hard bit.
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    Continuing Jokes Thread

    Since its Easter----- Jesus and Moses were strolling along the beach the other day and Jesus said to Moses " Do you think you can still part the ocean?" Moses said he'd give it a try and held out his staff and sure enough, the ocean rolled aside leaving a dry sandy bed. Moses said to Jesus "Do...
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    I dont think it will make a great difference. Depending what temp you fermented at, you could already have half your required dissolved CO2 in the beer. I lager in gerrys with the air squeezed out which leaves the expensive kegs free.
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    Longer Boils - Any Problem

    And dont forget the extra gas. Mind you if you do a little research on this forum, you'll end up doing 90 min. boils anyway.
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    New Liquid Yeasts In Perth?

    Pitched a bavarian lager (Pro27) at 15C straight from the vial and it was away in about six hours and multiplying enthusiastically 24 hours later at 12C. This stuff looks really promising.
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    Dry Hopping And Bu:gu Ratio.

    Try chewing on a hop pellet, plenty of bitterness there, in fact, you'd wonder why people ever thought to put them in a drink.
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    Fill A Bottle From A Fire Extinguisher

    Here is a way I posted this with full instructions about four years ago but as I am computer illiterate, I cant find it. If your'e clever you will.
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    Coarser Crush To Increase Efficiency?

    As MHB says there is as many answers as there are brewers on this forum. I keep my mash turning over for the full duration and usually have a negative starch test by 40 minutes with efficiency in the low eighties using a two hit batch sparge.