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Australia & New Zealand Homebrewing Forum

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    Friday Funnies

    Loved it jack, Sent it to all I know!
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    Chalk For Water Adjustments

    If you have a little fibreglass factory you can go to, they use heaps of calcium carbonate (as talc) for filler. They would probably give it to you
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    Ordered Some Hops

    Mine were just dumped. By the time I answered the doorbell, he was back in his van and the hops were at my feet.
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    Ordered Some Hops

    Just got an email from hops direct and they are offering a 5% discount this month and with the Aussie dollar at 92.2c US today, it might be a good time to buy.
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    Bookworms, Where Do You Buy Yours?

    Public library.....I take out over 100 books per year and they keep a log so you dont keep getting out books you've read already. And its free.
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    Kegging Setups

    Yeah, spade bit is the name. Just be careful when you are drilling thru. Go in from the outside until you see just the point of the drill breaking thru then drill from the inside by picking up on that point, otherwise you can rip out some large and ugly splinters as the spade itself breaks through.
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    Ordered Some Hops

    In late January, I ordered a 6 lb lot which came in a USPS flat rate box and came thru in about 2 weeks. Postage was 66 AUD. On Febuary 17th, I ordered 12 lb, postage was AU$130 and arrived on 6th March. This lot spent time at AQUIS but none of the packs were opened. I phoned the farm to discuss...
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    Glycol Tank

    I had a look at the plate and the unit holds 12 1/2 oz. of freon 12 which I presume is R12. I also did some sums and you are quite right, it would take about 5 hours to drop my brew from 40C to 15C. With the scheme water at 28C at the moment, my immersion chiller gets the wort down to 40C in...
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    Glycol Tank

    Thanks Doug-- A bit more junk for the verge.
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    Glycol Tank

    This post quickly sank to the bottom of the other 600,000 with no response, so trying again.
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    Getting Sick Of Tipping Beer Out

    If you fermented at 12C you already have 1.12 volumes of CO2 in your beer. Read this, it will enlighten you Cheers.
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    Czech Pils Hops

    A couple of points here. Hallertau could be NZ with an AA up to 9% or German as low as AA 3%, so your IBU could be anywhere from 11 to 33 in a 23 litre batch. You should be aiming for an IBU between 35 and 45 depending on how big the beer will be. Having said that, I have made CZ Pils that are...
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    Soda Water?

    I made another batch of 15 litres with 20gm soda bi-carb and 2gm epsom salts into the keg. the Ph is up from 4.7 t0 5.9 and TDS from 400 to 1490ppm. It tastes more neutral now, presumably because a lot of the acidic bite has disappeared. It is certainly easier to drink, but is lacking in...
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    Gas Refills For Extinguishers In Perth

    Paul Cowling usually does it while U wait, but it pays to check by phone before you go.
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    Gas Refills For Extinguishers In Perth

    This fellow does mine and many others. Pressure Testing Service (Paul Cowling) 115 Campbell St. Belmont Ph. 94781160
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    Commercial Soup/stoke Boiler

    The only 3 Ph heaters have come across had three 1800W elements, one for each phase, so it should be easy for you to run your single phase to one element, but you need to look at it. With only 1800/2000W available, it would be inadequate as a boiler for that volume but would be OK as a HLT if...
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    Glycol Tank

    After an outlay of $5.00 and 40 years of almost continuous operation, I decided to break down my 70 y/o Genelex fridge so i could turn it into a smoker as the insides are baked enamel. It then occurred to me I could make a glycol tank with the hardware as I didnt have to cut gas lines. I was...
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    Soda Water?

    I have dragged this post out as I'm looking for guidance in adding salts to soda water. I drink a lot of this and the Ph is around 4.7 and I have enough trouble with gastric acidity without drinking gallons of the stuff. My old teeth will be disappearing next.
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    Sandgroper 2009 Case Tasting Notes

    Guest Lurker, Dodgers, 3.5%, filled from keg, oxidizing as you read this, drink as soon as you can. WW: following GL's advice, this was first to go. Poured with a brilliant head, great clarity. Some honey, toasty notes on the nose and a smooth, rounded malt character on the pallete. Mine did...
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    Oops! Forgot To Purge Keg Before Beer Went In!

    I'm far too stingy to purge a keg with CO2 but I make sure the fill hose goes right to the bottom of the keg. That way, there is no splashing or turbulence after the first litre or so and that is the biggest culprit when it comes to oxygen uptake.